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Youth Alert! Volunteers with Global vision for a sustainable development
Start date: Mar 1, 2011,

With the present project ANCE's objective is to promote the importance of global cooperation and youth mobilization for the achievement of Millennium Development Goals and poverty reduction.The programme activities will be implemented by volunteers in Italy, Spain, Zimbabwe and Costa Rica. The partner organisations will host 2 volunteers per semester x 4 semesters = 32 volunteers in total.In Italy volunteers will participate at the project "La Città dell'Utopia" and they will contribute in all activities of SCI Italy, such as the organisation of international workcamps, focusing on raising awareness of the local community on the Millenium Development Goals and sustainable development.In Spain the volunteers will coordinate activities, in cooperation with the local partner Cocat, in order to sensitize and mobilize the local community on issues regarding extreme poverty and active citizenship and especially they will participate in the organization of environmental international workcamps.In Zimbabwe the volunteers will participate in the activities of the local partner Contact Family Counselling Centre focusing on informative campaigns about prevention from HIV/AIDS, on supporting children and their families affected by the HIV/AIDS and on strengthening social/family bonds which have eroded from illness and migration.In Costa Rica volunteers will participate in awareness raising campaigns on climate change and they will also organize educational activities for the marginalized children of the local community.

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