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Youth activization in rural regions (ACTIVE)

The objectives of the project: to develope cross-border and local networks of persons and organisations in the field of social education of youth and teenagers; to activate youth and teenagers in the rural regions; to create social educated society;to diminish gap between different age and social groups of society. In the realisation of the project youth leaders and social workers wil share their experience and get new ideas in youthwork organisation. Such collaboration form between youth and teenagers (out of the school environment wthout teachers leading) is very rare spread more popular are school exchange programms. Added values of the project are following: first - increasing of self assurance of country-side youth and teenagers; second - youth and teenagers will obtain the first experience in the project writing in real competition with real proposals and real solutions of the problems; third - clicked the necessity to know foreigh languages as essential tool to establish cross-border contacts; fourth - increased experience of institutional staff in the work with free time organisation of youth and teenagers.

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  • 75%   48 000,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Estonia - Latvia - Russia (EE-LV-RU)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

3 Partners Participants