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Youth 4 L@B - Fostering youth skills in mountain and rural area
Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Youth 4 L @ B" stems from the strong will and the need to give new opportunities to young people with the goal of improving the skills and key skills of young people involved (also those with fewer opportunities that live in geographical area with disadvantages). The project wants to promote their participation in democratic life in Europe and in the labor market, strengthen links between the field of youth and the labor market, thanks to the many active non-formal laboratories,helded with senior experienced professionals, linked to the professions of the mountains and the rural world. Thanks to the involvement by all the Partners of SMEs, forums, councils and youth associations, the project aims to integrate specific youth reforms at local, regional and national level, to improve access to employment opportunities for young people. The project also aims to involve young people with social barriers, often determined by the high rate of youth unemployment, which gives these involved areas sad records. The broader view of the professions of the mountain, thanks to the network that will grow up with the European project, can and should enable the development of "new" workers and the identification of specific areas of work for young people of rural and mountain areas of " Youth 4L @ B ". The project involves the participation of five partners: the Italian rural municipalities of Magliano Alpi, Frabosa Sottana and Frabosa Soprana and 2 foreign rural municipalities : Cuenca (Spain) and Novaci (FYROM). The event will be held in the end of October/early November 2015 in Cuneo and the partecipants will be two groups of young delegates coming from foreign countries (14 per youth group coordinated by the figure of two seniors tutors) and three groups of young people (7 members each) from the Italian municipalities involved. Participants are young people aged between 18 and 25 years. The young people of the town of Magliano Italian Alps are linked to the world economy and agriculture education and support of children through education and entertainment iin the primary schools. Frabosa Soprana youngs are distinguished for their commitment in sports associations and the development of knowledge of the healthy sport. Delegates from Frabosa Sottana are united by youth policy and the Consulta Giovanile. Young people of the city of Cuenca are actively involved, through the Youth Center, in the political, social, economic and cultural center of the City. Novaci involves young people from the solid base of new techniques related to design, ICT and electronic programming, with excellent knowledges in mathematics and computer science, and engaged in the study of robotic technologies and the development of engineering applicable to rural areas and mountain. All the young people involved have a strong command of English and are actively involved in the intercultural exchange, they are so active, carrying out the coordination and supervision of the various projects and activities in the field of youth projects, enhancing their skills and creating new employment opportunities and motivation to the realization of their talents. The teaching method used will be through the non-formal education and with active laboratories: the Laboratory of Talents will develop skills and talent of the future farmers / producers and processors of hazelnuts and honey, cheese producers / processors in the supply chain milk dairy, sculptors / operators of marble and stone, the cook / chef, tour operator / territorial communicator expert , environmental educator and to gain information on what the herdsmen, farmers and shepherds do. The workshops will be led by industry experts and will be attended by delegations involving young people and youth groups of the Italian territories involved in the project and the neighboring territories. The expected results will be important and will have a big impact, because it will be given the opportunity to acquire innovative concepts for future job opportunities through dynamic young people that are children of confrontation and cultural growth and openness to different cultures and realities. Extending the project to young people from countries with fewer economic opportunities, but who enjoy a territory rich in natural resources and important only little exploited, will create a significant increasing in job opportunities for themselves in the territories involved and young people may be disseminators of knowledges, extending them to different social and economic levels.

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