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YOUropeans on the move - migrants between integration and tradition
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

“YOUropeans on the move – migrants between integration and tradition” is our project’s title with which we want to make a contribution to the agenda “Europe 2020” in the context of a three years strategic school partnership. The agenda mentions several problems such as child and youth poverty, youth unemployment, high rates of high school dropouts of children and young persons with a migrational background in particular which shall be solved. We are totally convinced that only we Europeans can face and solve these problems together and that school plays a special and important role as it can help early to sharpen the awareness of the mentioned problems. That is why we want to focus on the topic migration or rather on the outline of migrants’ lives in Europe, who often live between two cultures, between integration and tradition. Together with our school partners we also want to work primarily on the question how we can improve supporting and helping children and young persons with a migrational background at our schools to enable them to reach the best possible future and to avoid early school dropouts. In the beginning of the project the participants shall on the one hand take a stock on the topic migration to work out and reflect the causes and reasons for migration and on the other hand examine and reflect the migrants’ life situations in the home country and the country they emigrated to. They shall also analyse and question critically the functions of stereotypes and prejudices and work out how these can be reduced to support mutual tolerance. Additionally, the migrants’ cultural identity in their new society and at the same time the new society’s cultural identity shall be examined and critically reflected. Our strategic school partnership has altogether ten partner schools from different geographic regions in Europe with different economical, historical, political and social backgrounds and with diverse religions or rather confessions and ideologies which offer a huge chance for a lively exchange between the cultures. All schools are secondary schools from the following countries: Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Poland and Turkey. For the choice of the partner schools we searched for countries where migrants come from or go to. We also considered old and new EU member states as well as the candidate for accession, Turkey, being in the team. Further, we searched for schools that are both experienced and inexperienced regarding European school partnerships to both get and find new impulses and to bring in experiences from earlier projects. For the beginning of the project a planning and kick-off meeting with all involved teachers is planned to clearly define the activities and the products that shall be produced. 10 short-term exchanges of student groups with accompanying teachers to all partners will follow over the whole period of three years, that means having one mobility per quarter. At the project meeting online questionnaires will check if the planned activities have been done already, if the corresponding project outcomes have been produced and if the planned aims have been reached. Additionally, some short-term further educations for the organizers and long-term exchanges for pupils are planned. During the three-year project time all involved persons, the students in particular, shall prepare and carry out poster and art exhibitions, video presentations, statistical surveys at the partner schools on the topic migration as well as create own literary texts, take part in music and sports workshops, do talk shows and develop a multicultural calendar and cook book. Through the intense work with our project topic and its activities we expect a long-lasting and diverse increase in competence for all persons and organisations being involved. Primarily, intercultural competences should be supported and widened through our project for our students in particular, above all a better understanding of the social, linguistic and cultural diversity in Europe, more active social interaction, a better understanding of European values and last but not least a development of a positive attitude towards the European idea. Furthermore, linguistic and intercultural communicative competences, media and computer literacy shall be extended.
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9 Partners Participants