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Your Health is Your Wealth
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Project : "Your Health is Your Wealth” is a response to the needs and objectives determined by the school management, teachers and students of FAS and LO nr VII in Wrocław. Each partner school will bring to the project their best practices. The main goal is to create a programme which will attempt to integrate mindfulness skills and strategies into today’s classrooms. Also, the project strong foundation is based on promoting health-related attitudes such as proper nutrition and physical exercise in our school communities and beyond. The exchange of experiences and working methods within the project and their expansion by new components (.b - stop breathe and be course for students, mindfulness training for teachers) will facilitate development of a totally innovative educational programme, which will help adolescents handle stress better and respond more skillfully to negative thoughts and emotions. In consequence, their attention skills will increase and learning efficiency will improve. Through the course of this project, our students will develop and enhance a range of entrepreneurial skills and competences that will enable them to be active and successful members and contributors to society and workplace. The project assumes additional goals: - Exchange of good practices and experiences of the staff in shaping attitudes and developing students’ individual abilities -Development of language competences for students and teachers - Professional development of teachers through the exchange of experiences with the staff from the partner school - Development of cooperation skills over cultural and ethnic differences, as well as over communication barriers. Both partners have agreed that the project will organize short- term mobilities attended each year by 12 students from each school. The criteria for their selection will include language skills, the degree of involvement in project activities and students’ initiative. The cooperation between the partners started a few months before the application was completed. The partners have been in contact by Skype and e-mail in order to discuss project actions. During the project the following activities are planned: - 2 international project meetings - 2 short-term mobility activities for students (combined group projects) - at least 8 virtual working (project) meetings for young people - Project management and implementation activities: creation of control tools for time and budget management, budget control and time management, monitoring and evaluation of the quality of project activities and results, evaluation of the achievement of the project objectives and results; mutual sharing of monthly reports - Prevention of potential risks - Ensuring the availability of the project results and the possibility of their use - Dissemination of the project results - Continuation of activities and results after the project funding will have finished. Methods used in the project work include: workshops, training courses, group work, discussions, brainstorming, visits to the partner schools, observation, interviews, activity and documentation analysis. The partners anticipate the achievement of numerous results, described extensively in the application. Here are some of them : - Acquiring new competencies through the exchange of experience with the staff of the partner school - Performing the tasks created by young people in the project (acquiring numerous competences connected with enhancing students’ wellbeing, video clips on healthy lifestyle and physical activities, etc.) - Breaking down communication barriers - Opening up to other cultures - Acquiring entrepreneurial skills -Personal and professional development based on acquired skills -Creation of the programme facilitating learning processes by increasing attention skills and lowering stress levels - Making this programme available to other schools and via the Internet to wider audiences. The impact of the project will be seen through the use of the innovative programme in both partner school and also in other educational institutions. The work on the project will bring long term benefits. The project will raise students’ awareness of the importance of taking responsibility for our own health and life. People who are today’s students will become future leaders in the communities and societies. As future leaders they will promote healthy life style, European cooperation, partnership and integration. In the times of globalization and mass migrations, they will have an influence on the shape and attitudes of the global society at the international level.
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1 Partners Participants