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Youngsters for Social Entrepreneurship
Start date: Oct 11, 2014, End date: Nov 10, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Youngsters for social entrepreneurship""Project, developed in the Erasmus+ Programme framework between November 2014 and August 2015 and coordinated by Asociación Mar Violeta (Spain) thanks to the collaboration of Colegiul Tehnic Gheorghe Cartianu (Romania), Kfar Hanoar Kyriat Shmona (Israel) and West Midlands Tomorrow Ltd (UK) as partner organizations; had as main objective to provide everybody involved in it the needed knowledge, abilities and competencies to promote effective programmes that encourage social entrepreneurship among European youngsters. In this way, it involved a training course developed between 6-16 May 2015, organised and coordinated by Asociación Mar Violeta, in which 24 workers in the social field from Romania, Israel, UK and Spain exchanged their experiences, analysed models of good practices and reflected on the competencies, the strategies, the resources and the methodology that programmes for youth that promote social entrepreneurship should take on. Thanks to the common work and collaboration not only of the project's partnership but also of the participants in the course in Spain, the Project has involved a boost for the labour inclusion of young European generations since it visibilised the problem related to it and promoted Action Programmes aimed to get it; providing workers in the youth field the competences that allow them to spread and guide European youth towards social entrepreneurship as an option of future and as a tool for the social change and welfare.
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4 Partners Participants