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Young People, Enviroment and Health
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Young People, Environment and Health" consists of four main activities - the starting Youth seminar for 20 participants, two study visits (to Belgium and Romania) for Slovenian youth organizers and the final youth exchange with 48 participants. In both international activities (seminar and youth exchange), there will be 9 youth organizations from 9 countries involved. The main idea of the project is to give knowledge about the topic of Environment and Health to youth workers and leaders (through the seminar and study visits) in order to be ready to "translate" the scientific data and the viewed realities on the field to youth understandable language (at the youth exchange). The reality is that the Environmental Health is one of the most forgotten topics in nowadays Health Determinants, but it results in over 13 million deaths a year worldwide. We can have impact on the environment we live in and this will be the topic of the different activities carried out throughout the project. Mostly we will be using field work methods for the study visits and youth exchange, while we will use frontal presentations, exchange of practice and debates when it comes down to the seminar. The results and longer term benefits will be: - change in behaviors and attitudes of the Slovenian organizers - gained knowledge by youth workers/ leaders and the seminars - stronger connections with partner organizations and hopefully new projects on the EH topic - changed attitude and perspectives on EH by youth participants at the final exchange. The seminar will happen in Spring 2015 in Slovenia, the 1st visit to Belgium in early Summer 2015, the 2nd visit to Romania in late Fall 2015 and the final exchange in Spring 2016 in Slovenia, too.

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