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Young & Mobile
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project has been derived from a real need to assist young people in becoming more included in the democratic process while assisting them with issues regarding unemployment. Unemployment and lack of Involvement in the democratic process has continues to feed a sense of not having a stake in society amongst the youth in the community. The contemporary macro economic issues at play fermenting the situation seem worlds away to the youth of the community, who don’t feel they can do anything constructive about it, and even if they wanted to do something, would’nt know how to go about it. Objective of the project is 1) help young people to learn about the people, processes, and the institutions most effective in improving community conditions, such as there own struggle with unemployment. Young people will develop skills necessary to participate in policy making at the same time having a direct route to policy makers, and a chance to have their voice heard. 2) raising awareness about EU Citizenship and the rights that go with it 3) participation of young people in EU policy-making; a particular participating the 2014 European elections, thus enabling young people to be active, 4) Educate and inform on the work of national and European institutions 5) Enhance the ‘soft-skills’ of participants through active participation in reasoned and informed debates Project activity project activities will take place on 10 days of exchange in London and will involve a 41 young people from three European countries and will involve a series of discussion groups involving young people, policy makers and stakeholder representatives. Initial activity will focus on a series of meetings between youth and policy makers / community leaders to discuss democratic issues, institutions and processes. Workshop seminars that improve the young peoples employability skills such as presenting, interview manners, problem solving, leadership, networking in an industry etc. Methods Non-Formal Learning: The project will provide young people the space to interact, debate and ask questions during the entire process. This will give them the opportunity to learn in an environment where their assertions will be challenged in a gentle way while ensuring they can receive information in different channels (debate, one-to-one, presentation) that can suit the informal learning styles of all the young people. There will also be online spaces on social platforms where young people can go to start a discussion with a policy maker or youth worker. This will provide another avenue for young people to develop in a personal way that affords them the opportunities. Team building that involve creative tasks where young people from diverse backgrounds can utilise their innovative skills while cooperating. Impact The expected impact on young people and local communities involved in the project are foreseen as follows: • More young people engaged in discussing democratic values with local needs with policy makers, hence this leads to a more accurate assessment of each other • Policy makers are more in touch with young people and more aware of their views • More young people engaged in youth democracy and are likely to become more active in other local issues of relevance • Web based social/professional network which would used to disseminate project information, new initiatives in this area, • Enhance the ‘soft-skills’ of participants through active participation in reason and informed debates • Improve young people's opportunities on the labour market In addition, utilising the most active and engaged project participants as volunteers I Serve will create a database of the projects activities, the various discussions and key information. It is likely that this will take the form of a Wiki or other social network. This will multiply the effects of the project beyond the immediate participants in that future youths of Brent will have an accessible resource hosted online that can be used to access information about issues relevant to them, designed and written by people with shared life experiences, thus increasing the potential impact. Relevance of the proposed work programme with the general and specific objectives of the call Activities outlined in the work programme will ensure that young people’s awareness of European policy issues in the field of youth and youth unemployment is raised along with grater understanding and ownership of the EU’s youth strategy. Also promotes participation in democratic life in Europe and the labour market, active citizenship, intercultural dialogue, social inclusion and solidarity, in particular through increased learning mobility opportunities for young people,
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