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Young Entrepreneurs for Change -Creating a Sustainable Future
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Young Entrepreneurs for change - creating a Sustainable future (YES) is a cultural exchange focused on bringing together youth from ten different Erasmus+ program countries during a two-week cultural exchange camp and two Online classes, one which takes place 3 months in advance of the cultural exchange and another six months after the completion of the exchange. Through YES participants are empowered to become ambassadors for cultural awareness and positive change in their local communities throughout Europe. The 50 participating students and 20 participating group leaders hail from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Turkey and Spain. The participants are 15-19 years old, while the group leaders are 20-30 years old. The group leaders have prioritized the recruitment of participants from ethnic and religious minorities, such as Roma people, alongside the inclusion of refugees and children of refugees. Moreover, special measures are continuously undergone, to ensure the inclusion of financially vulnerable students. The YES program was founded on a belief that we can empower and include youth in identifying solutions to the key challenges that Europe faces today, and equip them for the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow. The primary objective of the program is therefore, to encourage youth to make friends from a variety of different backgrounds, and through informal learning,theatre, cultural exchange, games, and voluntary work, empower them to understand that they are key actors in identifying and implementing solutions to some of the challenges Europe currently faces, such as a lack of cultural and religious understanding across EU member states, the increasing popularity of populist political parties and movements in Europe, the spread of factually incorrect information concerning human migration, the persistent occurrence of human trafficking, the challenges the current EU asylum system faces, climate change and the newly worsened security situation surrounding Europe, due to the conflict between Ukraine and Russia and Russia and the EU and the US. The 17 day long cultural exchange will unfold on the Danish island Læsø. The activities that take place during the cultural exchange range from volunteering with the local community, to role-playing, partaking in inter-cultural games, starting social enterprises, participating in debates and debate training, daily reflection sessions, skill-sharing sessions and finally facilitated as well as experiential learning sessions. During YES we will be working with the following headlines: EU day, Volunteer day, Cross cultural communication & inter-cultural dialogue, The future of the EU - challenges to overcome, The Internet, activism and social change, Igniting change: social entrepreneurship, Exploring Læsø, Launching Social Ventures, Conflict resolution, Leadership & Youth, Sustainability & Youth, Wildlife day and Sustainability in Europe. Each day and each session is approach with a different methodology. It is our belief, that the participants will take more ownership of the course, if they are invited to take part in arranging it. As a result, the participating students will take part in a 3-week virtual immersion program in advance of the cultural exchange. While the Online component only requires a few hours of active involvement from the students, they are expected to help define and shape the type of course they wish to take part in, as well as set up personal goals and expectations related to their own development and impact in their local community during and particularly after the course. The short and long term benefits of the course are aligned with the motivation behind it; we will develop critical and globally oriented minds that are free of religious and cultural prejudice. Moreover, we want to motivate the students to realize their own potential in creating social enterprises or helping politicians, governments, NGOs and the private sector in creating solutions to European and global challenges, such as climate change, discrimination, human rights violations, human trafficking, depopulation of rural areas etc. Alas, the potential of YES is neither exclusively in the hours with a scheduled program, nor for the participants alone, as the course helps the participants work and solve conflicts and challenges across national borders. The true potential of the course lies within the ideas it can foster about cross-cultural cooperation, the creation of lasting relationships and the change it will facilitate. YES will equip the students with the skills, knowledge and courage to take action. As a result, the participants are challenged to create social enterprises, products and other solutions to the problems that they face in their local communities, as well as the means to tackle global challenges.
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