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Yiyecek İçecek Hizmetleri Sektöründe Avrupa'da Mesleki Eğitim
Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The culinary training can be described as a process which based on the industry standard cooking, food preparation and serving. There are many field which they can be employed not only restaurants, hospitals, clubs, food factories but also transport sector such as air planes and trains. The cookery is an art which calls as gastronomy and it includes different phases which are preparation, presentation and tasting. The subject of the study gastronomy involves the preparation of all edible material in a hygienic manner and it concerns the palatal delight and visual pleasure so this process continues until the food comes to the table.All of the consortium institutions are the vocational schools which will carry out the project. There are different areas and departments of these schools and at the same time, all of them has food and beverage services educational field. These educational institutions have good workshop and kitchen equipment and they have strong traditional structure.The objectives of this project can be listed as follows: the actualization of the international mobility in order to train qualified personnel in the culinary sector besides this, develop professional skills of participants. There will be both student and staff mobility in the scope of this project. In addition to this, 47 people will participate in the project mobility, 45 people will be participant and 2 people will attend as companion in three flow phases. This project has different participation profiles with this diversity, different outcomes would be expected. Besides this, from the all consortium institutions; 15 staff members, 30 students and 2 companions will attend the mobility.The mobility program will increase the students’ achievement level which attend from Tokat Evliya Çelebi Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School and Beypazarı Evliya Çelebi Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School. Furthermore, all schools which engaged staff mobility will benefit from their experiences. These mobility activities will increase the preferability level of these schools and bring them to forefront.The student mobility activities will take place in Hungary and Czech Republic. The student groups will be selected from Beypazarı Evliya Çelebi Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School and Tokat Evliya Çelebi Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School. Furthermore, the 15 students and one companion will be selected from each school. The project duration is estimated as 30 days in order to increase the cookery skills of the students. The staff group will be selected from the three schools which is included in the consortium. Besides this, it will be selected the 6 staff members from Beypazarı Evliya Çelebi Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School and the 4 staff members from Muradiye Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School. Thus, in total, the 15 staff members will attend to the project. The staff mobility activities will take place in the education center which calls as Eekhoutcentrum in Belgium. The 12-day mobility program is seen as adequate at the end of the meetings with the host institution.The expected effects of the project can be listed as follows:- The students which will be take place in the project, will increase their professional qualifications with the interns in the scope of the project. As a result, they will increase their employability level.- The participants will learn the European standards in the initial stage of their careers. They will enhance their foreign language skills and experience the teamwork as a result, they will increase their professional self- confidence. - Thanks to this project, the participants will have the European vision and due to the lack of the qualified staff in this field, they will have a chance to create a difference.- The staff members will extend their own visions so, their work motivation and job satisfaction level will be increased.- Turkish vocational education system will be developed by the means of the examination of the European vocational education model.- The staff members will have chance to make comparison with the European colleagues’ work conditions, standards, viewpoints and organizational levels.- The observation of the European standards will help to reorganize the education programs in order to provide the suitability to the needs of the sector.
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