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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The purpose of this project is to prevent early school leaving, to reduce absenteeism and to increase the students success by providing environments having more active lessons. As is known since the readiness level of students at Vocational High School is not sufficient to follow the lessons, students interests for the lessons decrease in time, their academic success is affected negatively and so they lose confidence in themselves to success. The student having lost confidence in her/ him tries to leave school early or create discipline problems. Especially, these problems can be seen distinctly at branch lessons . The school managers and teachers being aware of these problems will attend some courses in Poland, Malta, Holland and Prag in order to get to know new approaches on their right place and learn how to use Web 2.0 and ICT effectively at classes. They will improve their professional competence by sharing a common environment with their colleagues. That will bring the Europe's vision to our schools and therefore teachers will get the 21st century methodologies that support creativity and innovation in education and learn how to entegrate music, art, sports and drama into the other lessons to help students study easily. Fourteen teachers from the field of Sciences, Maths, Social Sciences Foreign Languages and Guidance will attend these courses. The teacher who improves his/her professional competence in the field will not use the old methods in their classes any more. They will rescue the students from parrot fashion by making the school environment and learning more enjoyable. The school will be more attractive place for students. In this way, the eary school leavings will be prevented, absenteeism will be reduced and the students success will be increased in the long term. The participants of this project will share their education materials and experiences from different countries with the other teachers at group meetings that the school management holds. The School Management will arrange Total Quality Management and The School Strategy Plan for 2015- 2019 the academic year by adding the school needs and the outputs of these studies and also will hold dissemination actions to the other schools.

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