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YIntro - Stepping into Youth Information Training
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Youth Information is a prerequisite to youth participation and young people's access to rights. In order to enhance active citizenship and to increase quality youth participation, as well as to create equal opportunities for young people in different societies, Europe needs to have informed youth and well-prepared professionals who can provide young people with quality information and counselling services. As a matter of fact, in many European countries, youth information and counselling services are provided systematically and with professionalism, on a daily basis, to ensure that young people are enabled to make informed choices and live their own life with autonomy and independence. However, the arrival of new generations of youth workers and youth information workers, and the existence of organisations where youth information is still an area to develop underline the need for a capacity-building event targeting these newcomers. As a protagonist on a European scale of the development of youth information, ERYICA wishes to meet these needs by organising a course aimed to new generations of youth information workers and youth workers willing to gain knowledge in this transversal aspect of youth work. The event will be an opportunity to overview the main principles of youth information and the challenges at stake for ensuring young people’s access to rights, effective promotion of youth information services, and provision of services matching the information needs of young people considering the way they access information in a digital age. Through this course, all participants will increase their capabilities by learning new methods and discussing quality youth information and services,The YIntro - Stepping into Youth Information Training project will take place in Turkey and will bring together 31 participants, trainers and support staff from 10 countries who will work together for 6 days. The main aim of the project is to endow beginner youth information workers and youth workers with skills and knowledge, this way contributing to the operation of high quality youth information and counselling services in all participating countries.The beneficiaries, coming from Austria, Albania, Finland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Spain, Turkey and the United Kingdom will be guided by a professional 3-person training team, who were trained during previous Youth in Action projects, YIntro Trainings to Trainers. This way the present project provides continuity and the dissemination of former results, as well as further professional development for former YiA beneficiaries.The training will apply non-formal methodology and it will be run with active and participative methods. It equally builds on the active participation of trainees to maximise the learning outcomes.The 16 content sessions will discuss various aspects of youth information work, starting with the definition of key terms and principles and finishing with promotion and networking. Each day will end with a round up-session to summarise the day, if the expected aims were reached, what the learning experiences were and to discuss generally about the programme.
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10 Partners Participants