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Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Bergama Public Education Centre- Izmir is a non-formal learning institution that offers classes to the age groups from 15 to 70. The centre has a staff of 105 employees- 1 director, 4 assistant directors, 1 civil servant, 2 members of auxiliary staff, 21 teachers who got pedagogical training and 76 contractual educators who have qualification to teach. The centre, by opening 398 courses throughout the 2014-2015 educational year, served adult education to 10394 participants, that is 10 percent of Bergama population. Our goal is to increase both this number and the quality of the education we offer. However, although all the education staff has the adequate knowledge and skill at their subjects, the pedagogical training they got is not enough and doesn’t meet the needs in solving the problems in adult education, which eventually prevents us from achieving our institutional goals. Furthermore, there aren’t any institutions or in-service trainings organized by The Ministry of Education where administrator or teaching staff can receive education on this subject after their graduation. For this reason, we, as the Public Education Centre, have decided to prepare the project named “ANDRAGOGICAL APROACH IN ADULT EDUCATION”. Our project aims to increase the competence of all our educators who only have pedagogical training to teach adults from all age groups more efficiently. The teachers at the centre have received pedagogical training for only students of formal learning (7-18). Applying methods of child education in adult education affects the success and quality of the education adversely. The education process applied for adults must certainly include the term “andragogy”, which suggests methods and techniques to address the specific needs in the education of adults as opposed to the education of children. By this project, we aim to increase the competence of the participants we are going to send abroad with the courses or trainings. The number of participants is 21. Participants will be selected among the administrator, teachers and contractual educators staff of our institution who make an application after the announcement. Participants will be required to be a member of institution staff, to have no restrictions on travel, to be open to innovations and appropriate to team work and to speak English. Number of man/woman participants will be close; to achieve this, affirmative action in favour of women will be taken if/when necessary.Our project has three directions: Studieförbundet Vuxenskola/ Sweden, De Spinaker / Stichting Ronduit/ The Netherlands and Klaipedos siuvimo ir paslaugu verslo mokykla/ Lithuania. Every direction will last 10 days and will have 7 participants. Participants will take classes for 10 days and will have on-the-job-training. The project team will consist of 4 members- an assistant director of the Public Education Centre and a participant from all the three countries. The project team will be responsible for arranging/organizing flight tickets, travel insurance, airport transports, exit permits and official papers for visa procedures. The steering committee will include the director of Public Education Centre, the assistant director and the director of the Provincial Directorate of National Education. The steering committee will be responsible for the management of the project and the grant in a transparent way.When this project is carried out, beneficiaries will increase their competence by taking courses and making observations on Adult Education. Furthermore, they will have the chance to improve their English by getting to know different cultures and working with them. When the beneficiaries share their experiences and acquisition with their colleagues, our institution will have a staff who will communicate with and approach to the adult participants in the classes in a more scientific way. With this project, our institution, as the participant institution, will gain the ability to work internationally and will come to the fore as an innovative, investigative and visionary institution, which will eventually help us reach more participants and achieve our institutional goal of 12% of participation. We believe that by sending brochures about Andragogy to other non-formal education institutions, we will raise awareness. Besides, we will create a web page on andragogy and publish all the information and skills obtained on this web page, which will eventually help teachers working at other non-formal education institutions and thus all the adult participants receiving education at these institutions benefit from our beneficiaries’ acquisition and skill. Moreover, we and our associates wish to do a Ka2 project if/when this project is carried out successfully. Thus, we plan to do some studies on transfer of innovation.
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