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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project has started with our education staff's opinion which is learning English Language is hard. Even though they took English lessons for years, they were biased to the English Language. Also, this situation was affecting our students. Our teachers were causing our students to be at the same opinion. Furthermore, the teachers at our school had never had a chance to go abroad. So they did not know any other cultures. Therefore, although they know the multi-culture concept in theory they have not had any experience in practice. We selected our course as "General English" course. Because the participants in the project are from different teaching branches. The aims of our projects is to break the prejudices of our participants which they can not learn English and communicate via it. The other aim is to show them that English Language is not so hard and it is also enjoyable. Also, one more aim is to increase the two English Language Teachers' speaking English opportunities. An another aim is that participants will know different cultures and experince the multi-culture concept closely. These aims are also answers to the needs of our school as well. Not only these aims will contribute to our teachers but also they will provide our school to complete its profesionalisation plan. This project will provide remarkable contibutions to firstly teachers and then our school and students. As well as, it will also enable us to develop our teaching profession. We will also learn new methods and techniques from the teachers of our course and we will apply them at our lessons. In our project, there are seven participant teachers. These are deputy principle, two English Language Teachers, Turkish Language Teacher, two Mathematics Teachers and Social Studies Teacher. All of the participants think that this project will contribute a lot them. We started our project by defining needs analysis. Afterwards, according to this needs analysis, we determined the participants. We searched an international education institution which was suitable to our needs analysis and determined it. Then, we planned a mobility in August month. After we finished the training and went back to our country, we planned to transfer the competences we acquired to the other teachers, our school and our students. Thanks to this project, our teachers will have increased their interests and wills to learning a foreing language and they will have no prejudices to it. The participants will have the chance to know a different culture. The participants will have developed their teaching profession. The teachers at school who are not participants in this projects will have increased interest to European Union Projects. The studentsw will start to utilize better from the participant teachers. This project will contribute a lot to our school's professionalisation plan. Since the interests and wills of the participant teachers to learning a foreign language and different cultures will increase, this situation will affect the students of participant teachers in the long run. It will create a dominos effect and a desire for the adults of future to love foreign language and learning different cultures. The education quality of our school will increase since it joins such a good project. This project will enable other European Union Erasmus+ Projects to continue increasingly at our school.
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