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YE - Youth Power
Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Youth PowerThe background of this project is a very enlightening and inspiring PBA hosted by Norwegian National Agency in Portugal May 2015. Partners that work with Youth Participation met, and agreed on making a Youth Exchange to promote Youth Participation, Empowering youth to organize activities for young people on a local level.The Youth Exchange gathers 48 participants, including 8 adult leaders, to 9 days of exchange (which we apply for support from Erasmus +) and 2 days of added value on the festival Youth Power. Activities include starting every day with improvisational drama games to build trust and awareness of others. We are going to organize an international dinner and Foam Prty for the local community. Each country will have a day each to present their culture and their levels of youth participation. We will work dedicated towards creating good memories and valuable experiences that creates self esteem and sense of initiative.We hope to contribute to sparking debate on local, regional and national scale with a commentary produced during the exchange. This is also to build pride in the youth, and underlining the point that their voices matter. By building storng individuals wiht initiative and strong international relations, we can bulid a better future.
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3 Partners Participants