YE-Summercamp 2015
Start date: Aug 1, 2015,
End date: Oct 31, 2015
SAME is a network of seven solidarity organizations run by young people from six different countries: Germany , Denmark, Beligum, Italy, Norway and Serbia. The network was created in 2011 at a summer camp held in Norway . Since then the network has kept regular contact and arranged cooperations. It has also been created a coordinating board to maintain this contact. During the network's lifetime , there has been created a website ( ), common principle-documents and plans for further cooperation.
The Summercamp is the main arena for the networks . Each organization sends a delegation of approxamately ten participants who, during the week is building the network. We do this by sharing experience, educate eachother in the work we do and create documents for common principles. The Summercamp is essential for the cooperation , and the maintenance of the network.
The network has recently evolved in the direction of becoming an organization. We see great potential in the exchange of experience , and want to continue cooperation in order to take advanteg the potential we see in this project . Areas where cooperation has been essential is the coordination of volunteers , guidelines for developing- and educationprojects and information work.
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