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YE - Safe youth in Safe cities - Sandnes Labin
Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

LaSa - a youth Safety mobility projectObjective: Learn about safety factors that enhance youth safety, and map out elements that pose a threat. Share practises and methods. Discuss how we can improve society by physical planning, and social responsibility on a organisatorial and individual level. Encourage crosscultural interaction and non formal learning. Implement the WHO health 2020 vision and network of Healthy cities to get youth engaged, and empowered to be active and involved citizens.Participants: Youth council members, and youth involved in other Healthy Sity activities from Sandnes and Labin . Youth from media organizations in Sandes and Labin. Mentors/trainers on non- formal learning methods, Youth safety expertice and media production from Norway and Croatia. Projekt managers from Sandnes and Labin.(Preporatory activity:February 22-23 2016, venue Ogna: Sandnes youth council seminar with mentors - Learning about youth safety. Preparations for exchange visit from Croatia. The participants will be trained as hosts, and plan cultural activities, seminars and workshops that will take place in April. The participants will be trained as worshopfasillitators to run dialogue sessions in Sandnes in April)Min activities - Exchange visits:April 27- May 3 2016. Venue Sandnes: Note: The project starts April 27, four days ahead of the programme period (starting May 1) . This has been cleared and approved by the applicant national office - Aktiv Ungdom in Oslo.Exchange visit from Labin Croatia. The Sandnes projectmanagers and Sandnes youth council will organize the activites and practical arrangements. The Croatian participants will live with the Sandnes youth and participate in activities to experience their culture. Seminars will be held on the subject Safety. Best practices will be presented. Parallel to the exchange a conference for the Norwegian network of Healthy Cities is held. The project will exploit resources brought in for the conference in form of competent lecturers and the gathering of regional high profile descicionmakers. Design workshop to work creatively on the subject. Day Raven walk to gain practice. Workshops and cafè dialouges. Documentary film making on non formal learning, youth involvement and youth safety.June 20 - june 27 2016. Venue Labin Croatia.Participants from Sandnes will join the Labin and Rieka participants in Labin. Activities and practical arrangements are organized by the Labin partners. Presentations of methods to reduce safety risks/ establish safety for youth. Results from the Sandnes work sessions will be presented and the participants will work on documentation. Creatve workshop to work on dissemination of results. Project evaluation session. The participants will learn about Croatian culture by participation in activities. Documentary film making on non formal learning, youth involvement and youth safety.Both partners are members of the Healthy City network initiated by the WHO - The world health organization. Project results and reports will be published and spread througout the network. The healty city organization has an extensive network of organizations and officials. The national healthy city conference paralell to the project exchange in Sandnes forms an unike oppurtunity for visibilty. Municipalities, policymakers, and organization working on activities related to the subject are the target groups.The Sandnes youth media Lab will be involved in the project to cover the activities. A camerateam from the youth mediadesk ungisandnes will produce a documentary covering the project. Videos and reportages will be published on youtube and Here youth will be reached as an audience.Youth safety will be on the agenda, and will be the subject matter througout the project. Local and regional politicians will receive presentations and a report containing recommendation from the youth. Our hope is that some of the best practices, or new methods created during the seminars will be implemented in the partnering cities. If sucessfull, models could spread from one pilot municipality to the next. The desired impact is an enhancement on youth safety in the partner cities. Our ambition for the project participants is to give them an unforgettable experience with lasting impact. Praticipants have learned workshop methods. Worked creatively and by "learning by doing". They have gained knowledge on the topic youth saftey factors. They have been heard by descionmakers. They will feel empowered by their ability to contibute to society. The participants have formed new friendships and experienced a different culture, outside of their regular arena for socializing and learning.
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