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YE - Peace of ART
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Peace of art is an European youth exchange that will take place in Visnes from 8th to 15th of October 2016. There will be 30 people participating, 8 youngsters from 17-25 years old from Norway, Spain and Italy plus two leaders per country, including young people with fewer opportunities. Together they will share knowledge, skills and abilities through music and video-arts techniques with the objectives of: increasing a broader international understanding among participants on peacebuilding and international cooperation; enlarging peace movement for a wide variety of human through art expression, social dialogue; reflecting about sounds and images’ power to create peace consciousness and enhancing cooperation between young people in the field of music and visual arts together.At Peace of art we consider that one of the causes that nowadays raises more the violence and the attack against cultures in Europe as in the entire world is the intolerance and the fear of the unknown. This imbalance is taking us to marginalize minorities, to persecute cultures and religions and to permit the awful situation in which refugees are living. So we believe that the solution lies in the creation of a positive consciousness of multicultural societies and in the self-enrichment experimentation produced by the mixture of cultures. To make this context been changed the three partner organizations involved in this YE believe in the education as the most powerful “weapon” to be used. The type of education that is addressed by this project is the non formal education/informal education/learning by doing methods and peer to peer learning through a wide variety of activities such as workshops, games, debates and discussions, excursions and discovering walks, intercultural nights and, last but not least, a final exhibition. We all believe that experiencing an intercultural coexistence, time work and leisure time people can embrace peace as solution to live in harmony within a world where equal human rights are respected. In its artistic dimension, Peace of Art is the union of music and audio-visuals; both expressed and shared first, among the participants and after to local/international people too. In one hand, we’ll use music and audio-visuals arts as tools to expand greatly our message, and in other hand, as a result to encourage the project’s reflection. Therefore, this method afford for awarding more people of the Erasmus+ programme and especially of the youth exchanges. Beside, it allows everyone involved (directly or indirectly) going deeper in the reflection of the main objective of our youth exchange: the peacebuilding.The same result could be approached working with other artistic techniques such theatre, paint or dance; however audio-visuals give us the option of combine all of them into a coherent whole; in order to be able to create abstract images while showing fragments of the project’s reality. All that within a format that fit in the other main artistic element of this youth exchange: music.Our personal development will come off well from the integration of other traditions, knowledge and ways to see and understand life, reaching the feeling of being part of one and united community identity. Also creating a more respectful society through artistic self-creation. Using music and audio-visual interaction within the objective of showing the harmony and the power of the teamwork between different cultures, we want to lessen hostilities and introduce the concept of: peace for all.At the end of the exchange all the learning experience will be shown on our final artistic exhibition called “piece of heART” understood as the chief place of community reflection. There locals and media will be fully involved being invited previously. Finally the three partner organizations from Peace of art will disseminate this YE before-during-after the mobility using their social networks, web page and blog as well as creating special local event for their their local inhabitants once they get back home.Because PEACE is what humanity needs and ART is what humanity have, Peace of art is a “give-receive” learning process.
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2 Partners Participants