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YE - Building Identity Capital 3
Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

BIC3 (Building Identity Capital3): Youth and Community empowerment through facing the individual wilderness and individuals in the wilderness: Ballangen kommune in rural North Norway invites young people from urban areas in the Piemonte region to BIC3; an eight days long workshop combining identity, nature and media.The project provides a unique intercultural experience to 35 young people (16-19 yrs old) from Norway and 25 young people (16-19 yrs old)from Piemonte, Italy to meet and discover and appreciate each other’s cultures, habits and life-styles, gain a deeper understanding of democracy and a sense of being citizens of Europe, helping them develop new competences and increasing their awareness of the importance of respecting each other and fighting discrimination and racism. The activities will bring together the young participants from Norway and Italy and give them the opportunity of exploring their cultural background, learn from each other, work, have fun and strengthen their friendship. This is in accordance with the input from the young people who participated to and in an exchange (BIC TO) held in Torino in October 2015, and their specific request of getting to a deeper understanding of the Italian and Norwegian cultural background. The aim is to provide a unique intercultural experience to the young people participating, to develop new competences, to raise awareness of the importance of respecting each other and fighting discrimination and racism, to discover and appreciate each other’s cultures, habits and lifestyles, to strengthen friendship and foster democracy and a sense of being citizens of Europe. The young participants will deepen the understanding of their own identity and values and the meaning of respecting each other.The participants will acquire basic skills in the field of outdoor living, providing them with some simple and concrete techniques for coping with "the wilderness"; giving them new and positive insights into their own capabilities.In addition, the participants will acquire new competences in communication through the use of digital media, enabling them to use this tool in order to make a positive impact on their local communities. Great consideration will be given to an ethical use of media, both in terms of contents and respecting the current EU regulation on authorship and rights.The young people's self esteem will be boosted by the exchange, and so will their active participation to the life of their community and the society at large. The cultural differences within the group will help them understand the importance of social inclusion of young people with lesser opportunities. There will be opportunities for discovering Ballangen's nature and the cultural environment of rural Northern Norway and also time for having fun, sharing music and videos, taste each other’s traditional food and socialize. The methodologies used at this exchange are strictly non-formal and informal learning ones and great care will be given to creating an environment where everybody feels accepted, listened to and safe. All participants will be actively encouraged to express their opinions in every stage of the activities.The age range of participants is 16 to 19; the partner is asked to identify and select 25participants, form a gender balanced group and actively participate in the preparatory work, which includes meeting with the participants before the exchange; carry out some local research; collect young people’s opinions and suggestions on the plan of activities and pass them on to the organizers; participate to an Advanced Planning Visit in Ballangen.The youth exchange is scheduled for the period May 27 to June 3 2016 in Ballangen, Norway. Travel days are May 26 and June 4.

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