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Yaratıcılık, Etkili İletişim ve Öğrenmeyi Geliştirme
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

It's a reality that the students are individualizing in recent times, because of the innovations and improvements in information and communication technologies. They have various troubles to express themselves and being included in social life. Our students also suffer from social- economical defficiencies and do not have the chance to learn out of school. That's why, school is an important way for the students to develop skills for social interaction and partnership. Being awered of this reality, our school staff want to participate in a project to develop themselves. The main aim of this project is to meet with collegues from different European countries, to explore their educational systems, to meet with European best practices in terms of promoting student creativity, the use of cooperative learning and improving communication skills. The education and training courses held in England and Spain are thought to be useful for our both students and school staff. The aims of the project are : - Raising student participation in classroom activities - İmproving student skills for partnership -Developing high level thinking skills of the students - Promoting student creativity - building positive relationship among students -Improving the teaching skills and increasing motivation for systematic further development - Achieving success implementing the cooperative learning in the classroom - Recognizing cultural diversity as part of European Identity; Raising cultural awareness - Exchanging the good practices and experiences through innovative and creative learning methods - Developing professional skills of the school staff and enhancing the classroom learning In this sense, 8 staff of our school are planned to participate in "Stimulating Creativity Through Cooperative Learning" course in England and 2 staff are planned to participate in " Improving Teaching and Communication Skills in the Classroom" course in Spain. The reason of the number of participants in second course is that classes are going on in our school during the course. In order to choose the participants among school staff, some criteria is defined such as volunteering, being talented about professional improvement and having foreign language skills. Thanks to this project, the participants will have innovative information about different education systems and new learning approaches . The quality of learning and success of the students will be raised. The school staff will have the chance to apply innovative methods and tecniques in their classes. They will ensure to develop cooperative learning skills of the students. A positive relationship will also be build with the students. Students will be active about learning in groups and sharing experiences with theirselves. Apart from these, sharing information and experience gained in the training courses with the other colleagues will raise the impact of the project. The motivation of students and teachers for learning in the classroom will be raised thanks to the qualified learning and training process. As a result, teachers will develop their professional skills and extend their horizon of self improvement.
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