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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project which is named " CREATIVITY IN CLASSROOM, CREATIVITY IN SCHOOL, CREATIVITY IN SOCIATY " aimed to develop efective English and concept learning with creative methodology. Beside this goal , the project also reffered positif school climate, European awareness and disssemination of creative thinking system . 1 kindergarthen teacher, 5 Class teachers of Melek İpek Primary school participated "Ceative Metodology in Primary School" course in UK / London. An English teacher from Melek İpek Pimary School participated " Creative Teaching in the Primary English Language Classroom" in London. Courses also provided cultural activities and visiting school program in Britain . In courses, teachers learned about motivation, dealing with creativity classes, learner independence , student-generated activities for creative learning etc. .Teachers used these knowledges and experiences to expose the students creative thinking skills. Students had flexible thoughts , open minded, self confident, learning foreign language , doing cultural dialogues, different , tolerant persons. Creative methodology could just given by teachers. In this project , teachers developed themselves , so the vission of school also developed . . Creativity thinking system have brought the society some solutions for the problems. Creative persons had skills to solve problems individually and proffesionally. Teachers also compared the education systems of Turkey and Britain. They visited a primary school in London. This Project helped the teacher to get more positive scool climate. The main effect of the project ,the pupils becomed more motivated , tolerant and open-minded citizens of multicultural Europe. Tolerance , openness and broadminedness were the general results of this project. Students 's creative thinking skills were developed. Dissemination of creative methodology to the stakeholders were also another goal. We disseminated the project works via social media. We published the booklet named " Colorful Education" and handed out it to the stakeholders. We also used e -twining for dissemination. We shared our works and experience about creative methodology in the e-twining project. We had the project web page and You Tube channel that included all informations, photos and videos : Melek İpek Primary school was situated in socio - economically disadvantaged area and encountered some problems: 1. A great number of pupils who has low motivation, get low success. 2. An increasing number of pupils has behavioral problems because of imigration. 3. A growing number of teachers feel inadequate to support curriculum. 4. English language education is not suitable for young learners. 5.Teachers need to enhance their pedagogical skills and improve creative teaching methods. We overcomed these problems with this project. Teachers had the basic role in the school . They participated "Creative Methodology " courses for English language learning and contents in UK. They applied these methodologies in their school. The students improved English language skills . Teachers used ICT effectively. Students and teachers improved the creative thinking process. Teachers had a chance to adapt creative methodology in the classroom. They also improved communications with foreigner colleagues.They motivated and understood other cultures and communicated with foreigner colleagues. Our basic general aims in this project were : 1-To share creative methods as a teaching method, 2-To create European awarness among students , parents and teachers, 3-To compare educational systems between Turkey and UK. 4- To solve the problems by using creative thinking. 5-To provide positive behaviour such as tolerant to others, democracy , being respectful to get positive school climate. 6-To disseminate the creative methodology to stakeholders. At the end of the project , we reached all these aims.
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