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Yale Model-the school should be a place where everyone likes to be
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project is based and wish to implement inside the Valeriu Braniste Technical College from Lugoj the fondaments of Nordic Educational Model-Yale Model. The initiators of the project already saw the advantages of implementing this model in UK schools, considering this model ( the only known model for VET schools) as an opportunity to respond to the needs and interests of school, of teachers and of students. The Yale Model is based on a few simple, easy to apply principles, but unknown for Romanian teachers. Everything is about a real need to RE-form the school, to pass from formalization to education, to convert school reactivity in school proactivity and, most important, to bring educational excellence by passing from imposed teaching-learning to the pleasure of teaching-learning. There will be a number of 30 participants, teachers of all kind, from Valeriu Braniste Technical College. There will be a number of 3 flows, each flow with a number of 10 persons. The project doesn't want to limit to the applicant, there is a vision that the participants will become teaching-learning experts for other schools and trainers for other teachers from Lugoj and all over Romania. The training programme includes theoretical activities ( classes) and practical activities (learning by seeing, learning by observing, learning by doing, learning from own experience). Also, there will be as objectives: improvements of teacher communication, English language skills, cultural skills, professional and classroom management. The partenrship with Coleg Cambria is not limited to Yale Model, initiated by the same organisation (the Coleg Cambria is the former Coleg Yale). This partenrship and the training uses the experiences and the expertises of some of the Coleg Cambria's partenrs, whom already applied this model in their daily educational activities. What is that will be the results? The is expected to have a change at CT V Braniste, a change which will become, in time, a model of change in many Romanian schools. The Yale Model will be accepted by the school management and will be implemented in school to obtain an improvement o school results of students. Also, there will be a professional, social and personal progress for students. CT V Braniste will become a centre for implementing this educational alternative which will generate the success of any kind. There is an idea of creating a national and euro-regional network of schools implementing Yale Model. Yale Model will satisfy all those involved or connected with it: teachers rediscover their pleasure to teach and their educational mission, students discover their pleasure to learn and to become, parents see their child in mot waited progress and the fact that school took the initiative, other educational stakeholders will use the plus value of the project and will use this model in their own activity.
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