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Y4 Regional Entrepreneurial Cooperation (Y4 TOI)

The reason for this multinational project was the development of regional competitiveness. Global market economy and aging population affect European societies. Low skills level and lack of appropriate education and training maintain weak competitiveness in many regions and countries. In the participating regions, there was/is a need for a competent and skilled workforce, and for stronger role of VET organizations to supply modes of action to develop entrepreneurship and HRD. The idea of the project was to bring together regional networks of educational organizations, local/public authorities and enterprises to support local economies by paying attention to the future professional demands, changing circumstances and improved competitiveness. The project partners defined their needs and objectives in preliminary discussions and Y4 master plans. The aims, objectives and outcomes: First, the project collected previously developed good practices of each region related to pro-entrepreneurial culture/activities, and transfered these knowledge and experience within the partners. The aim was to build capability of small business and improve HRD. Second, the project aimed at enhancing the regional stakeholders network to improve preconditions for enterprises (esp. SMEs) through cooperation between them and public authorities. In cooperation VET, SMEs and local/public authorities developed modes of action that promote entrepreneurial attitude. Third, to develop a method that combines good HRD practices and solutions based on inspiring entrepreneurial support mechanisms and skills. This developed regional Y4 entrepreneurial method aims at improving preconditions of enterprises to cooperate with local/public authorities network. In order to achieve the aims the beneficiaries now have practical modes of action, tools and ideas how to use the developed regional Y4 entrepreneurial cooperation method (toolkit). The toolkit will contribute to dissemination of developed cooperation method.All partners are experienced in transnational cooperation and have strategic obligations to contribute actively to the development of business/working life in their regions/sector. Jyvaskylan koulutuskuntayhtyma is the applicant–coordinator with the managing and learning role. Y4 Finland Ltd coached the process and is responsible for the development of the mode of action for "regional Y4 entrepreneurial cooperation" and the toolkit. All partners are involved in producing tangible and intangible outcomes through their responsible work packages and in cooperation with others.The major impact is a change in regional operating climate of entrepreneurship that is supported by the committed regional/local network. The change in entrepreneurial climate will be examined by the entrepreneurial barometer during and after the project. Also, the provision of HRD will target better at the needs of enterprises, and thus improve competitiveness.

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4 Partners Participants