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XPERIENCE Europa 6 - Individuelle Praktika für Auszubildende
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This concept is a mobility project for apprentices in a dual education system. Provided are 8 individual placements as a learning period abroad during their vocational education in various professions (commercial and industrial and technical ). The project is aimed primarily at the 36 trainees of the applicant TU Ilmenau and is part of the internationalization strategy of the university. The project is also open to trainees from other vocational schools and institutions in Thuringia. This 6th phase within the Mobility Certificate has continued the good cooperation with the core partners from Slovenia, Norway and the UK. To expand the range of target countries , a new partner was obtained from Italy, who has good experience in the coordination of mobility projects . LEONARDO Office Thuringia has got the mandate for the coordination of the project and brings in experience of more than 20 years in coordinating mobility projects in several generations of European educational programs and also a large network of local and European partners. This provides reliable routines and processes in project management available and even critical situations can be managed adequately. The traineeships abroad allowed participants to gather in addition to the practical application of already acquired skills also transnational professional experience to get to know a different working and living culture and to develop their language skills . For this purpose, a learning agreement has been completed before the beginning of each stay abroad. For each participant and all partners involved are contractually fixed the tasks of the participant and the support provided by the host organisation. The participants were prepared educationally and linguistically and cross-culturally for the stay abroad by appropriate measures. They got comprehensive support for organisational preparation of stays abroad (travel, insurance , accommodation ) . The implementation of the work program was also monitored during the stay abroad through monitoring measures . Monitoring visits of trainers and vocational school teachers were also provided. To proof the knowledge , skills and abilities aquired during the stay abroad each participant received a Euro Pass Mobility. All involved partners evaluated the traineeships abroad regarding vocational educational-related aspects and draw conclusions for the organisation of future traineeships abroad . For this purpose the coordinator promoted the dialogue between all stakeholders and initiates mandatory responsibilities. As a result of the project a motivation for the implementation of a stay abroad in the context of initial vocational training at the Technische Universität Ilmenau and the vocational training institutions involved in Thuringia is expected. The awareness of the need to gain international experience will be further developed. As a long term aspect, especially at the TU Ilmenau , the number of apprentices realising a traineeship abroad, should be growing in order to increase the proportion of staff with intercultural skills in administration and the laboratories and workshops of the faculties and scientific institutes at the university. Also planned is a stronger extension of this model to other universities in Thuringia as a result of a decision of the working team LEONARDO Thüringen. The LEONARDO - Office of Thuringia as the coordinator of this project is also the head office of the consortium of universities in Thuringia and uses here targeted synergies for the project work and dissemination of project results .

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4 Partners Participants