Xpanding Horizons
Start date: Sep 1, 2014,
End date: Aug 31, 2015
We would like 142 students, aged 16 to 24, who are undertaking Apprenticeships or L2 & L3 full time vocational qualifications, to have a 2 or 3wk work placement in Europe. All full time students must now undertake a work placement as part of their course. The ultimate aim is for the students gain a valuable experience which will develop them personally and professionally.
The project aims to develop and foster cooperation and mobility, so that the students education and training has an EU dimension. This will aid the development of the community as students will be more attractive to employers.
All placements will take place within the 2014/15 academic year between Sept and Aug. All participants will undertake work placement opportunities within their chosen industry, relevant to their UK course together with educational/cultural trips within the local regions. Placements will be undertaken by the following curriculum areas
Hospitality & Catering ? France & Malta
Business & Enterprise ? Malta
Construction ? Germany & Spain
Engineering (Motor Vehicle ? Bulgaria
Health & Social Care ? Spain
Sport ? Greece & Denmark
Students will be selected on the basis of their desire to take part, the benefit that each individual will gain form the experience, commitment, attendance, motivation and progress to their current studies along with their commitment and participation in the additional language lessons and activities that are being provided to support this placement opportunity.
Placements will enhance their studies and provide valuable experience which will increase their knowledge and develop their skills. It will add value and contribute to their courses and qualifications as it will allow them to undertake and be assessed for modules within their qualifications, whilst improving their language skills. It will allow students to broaden their horizons and provide them with an experience that they would otherwise not have. Students will learn more about other cultures and get a greater understanding of what it is like to live and work in a different country.
They will gain Europass and language certificates and references from the host, which they can add to their CVs and portfolios of work including.
Memorandum Of Understanding will be drawn up which will support and establish mutual trust between ourselves and the EU partners. It will detail exactly the roles and responsibilities of each partner each partner and they have clear and explicit objectives for participation in the partnership. It will provide a clear agreement about expected achievements. It will confirm quality assurance, assessment, validation and recognition criteria and procedures.
All participating will have a learning agreement drawn up and signed by the sending and hosting organisations and participants, line with ECVET guidelines before their placement. It will detail exactly how the training fits in with their current studies and courses, how they will be assessed and by whom. This will ensure that all concerned completely understand what is expected of them and what they can expect from the placement from both a personal and professional objective.
All selected participants will undertake langauge lessons for 2 hours each week for the 6 weeks prior to the placement to improve any language barriers. In addition all students selected will complete a week-long induction course prior to their departure to the host country. This will comprise of language classes, sessions on health and safety issues specific to the host country, cultural preparation and induction for the study visit abroad. Students will be accompanied by 2 tutors (at all times) who know them well. Monitoring will be ongoing throughout. Each student will be allocated a mentor who they can go to with any issues they have. All students will be supervised by staff during their activities.
Outcomes will be:
? Assessment of work and activities undertaken which will contribute to their qualification
? Enhancement of soft skills eg motivation, confidence
? Euopass certificate of mobility
? Certificate from host organisation detailing work and activities undertaken.
? Certificate to show improvement in language skills
The added value to the student will be:
? Help them to stand out in the job market
? Return more motivated, independent and confident
? Learn a range of life-skills not taught in the class room
? Access to a wider range of subject areas than in the UK
? Improve language skills
? Gain an international network of friends
? Discover a different culture, gain an international perspective and travel