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Wzrost jakości nauczania poprzez mobilność zagraniczną kadry edukacyjnej
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

It is the first time that Zespol Szkol Ogolnoksztalcacych is applying to take part in the School Staff Mobility Programme (K1). The school is a small facility, catering for 270 students of senior high school and 44 students of a newly-opened bilingual (CLIL) junior high school. The staff consists of 26 teachers. The school is based in Radzymin, 30 kilometres from Warsaw. The students as well as the teachers come primarily from villages and small towns. The school is struggling to motivate its students to work, hence fairly low grades from the final examinations are common. On the other hand, the opening of the bilingual (CLIL) junior high school has become a great challenge for the teachers. At present, it is necessary to increase efforts to enhance the quality of schooling. Participating in the Erasmus+ programme is one of the key elements in the school’s framework of development, designed in a team effort by its teachers. It assumes the enhancement of competence for both science and humanities teachers, professional training for English teachers and starting an international cooperation with partner schools within the framework of Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships. Since bilingual teaching (CLIL) is being introduced in the junior high school, the teachers need to improve their English language competence and obtain necessary formal qualifications. The school’s priorities include introducing the European dimension by implementing the idea of being European among the students, broadening students’ interests in European matters and the role of Poland within the European structures. The school wants to educate responsible and conscious citizens of Europe. In order to achieve that it wishes to motivate its students to improve their language competence or perhaps continue their education abroad. The ten following teachers are to participate in the project: Mathematics – 1, Physics/IT – 1, Biology/Nature Study – 1, History/Social Sciences – 1; Spanish – 1, English – 3. All of the teachers have at least a five-year practice and are permanently based at the school. The mobility courses will take place during summer holidays thus will not affect the school’s timetable. The teachers are planning to attend the following courses: 1. 28.06.- 10.07.2015, Southampton, Great Britain. "Creative Activities and Motivating Materials for The Secondary Classroom" Organizer: International Study Programmes, Cheltenham, Great Britain Participant: an English language teacher (1) 2. 19.07.2015 - 25.07.2015, Canterbury, , Great Britain, "British Life, Language & Culture" Organizer: Pilgrims English Language Courses w Canterbury, Great Britain Participant: an English language teacher (1) 3. 19.07.2015 - 01.08.2015, Canterbury, Great Britain. "CLIL for secondary teachers" Organizer: Pilgrims English Language Courses w Canterbury, Great Britain Participants: History/Social Sciences teachers (2) 4. 02.08.2015 - 14.08.2015 Exeter, Great Britain. "English for European Educators" Organizer: International Study Programmes, Cheltenham, Great Britain Participants: Spanish, Mathematics, Physics/IT, Biology teachers 5. 16.08.2015 - 29.08.2015, Canterbury, Great Britain. "British Life, Language & Culture" Organizer: Pilgrims English Language Courses, Canterbury, Great Britain Participant: English language teacher (1) 6. 31.07.2016 - 12.08.2016 Exeter, Great Britain. "English for European Educators" Organizer: International Study Programmes, Cheltenham, Great Britain Participant: School Headmistress (History teacher) (1) The courses have been chosen according to the needs of the school and the participants. Group 1 – English language courses aimed at intensive learning Group 2 – CLIL course (for the teachers with B1 language competence, designed to increase their bilingual teaching competence) Group 3 – language teaching course and a culture course for the English teachers In addition, participating in the courses will allow us to begin cooperation with teachers from Europe. Thanks to the project the teachers will gain practical language and language teaching skills, which will later be used during their lessons with students, they will acquire new tools which will help them motivate their students better. By using new teaching techniques, including ICT, the quality of teaching will be enhanced, the school will become more attractive to students, thus the number of students will rise. The teachers will acquire qualifications to teach in a bilingual school and thus will keep their positions. They will be better motivated which in turn will improve cooperation with fellow teachers. Their self-esteem will also be boosted. The school will turn into a modern facility which cares about the European teaching standards and professional training of its teachers. In future the school will boast of qualified staff, who will be able to continue bilingual teaching (CLIL) into the senior high school.

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