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Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Oct 16, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The " Just Want " is directed to disabled young people who have expressed their desire to develop through the provision of voluntary work in another country. The project refers to issues such as disability, arts and culture, because its participants are people every day struggling with his disability and yet want to support the creation of arts and culture by disabled people in Poland. important is the fact that in his native country nominated volunteers run a similar business in Moscow. The aim of the project is to stimulate people with disabilities in the wider society - European deepen their rehabilitation experience working with people with disabilities , allowing disabled youth trips that will not only get to know the culture of other countries, but also become an enterprising young citizens of Europe. The project will involve four disabled volunteers aged 17-30 years , both women and men . Main activities will be based on supporting the process of therapy adults with intellectual disabilities and autism , who are customers of the Environmental Self-help "Academy of Art " in Lublin. activities will include basic training so supporting self-reliance as well as artistic activity . The project activities will be the main method of learning by doing - we would like to volunteer not only doing their job but it could take as much as possible for themselves. Will be involved in individual and group work according to their current preferences and capabilities. As a result, the project participants will gain valuable experience of international cooperation , which undoubtedly will be set in their competence in their future professional life - because we believe that a disabled person can develop according to their suitability and use these skills in the future, which is already a long-term benefit . As a result, the local environment will also be in contact with people from other cultures , which will help to change the stereotypes that exist in society about persons with disabilities and foreigners.

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