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“Współpraca ZSE nr1 w Krakowie z zagranicznymi hotelami i biurami podróży w szkoleniu zawodowym uczniów hotelarstwa i turystyki”
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project will be realized by forty two trainees of hotel management and tourism. AIMS AND NEEDS OF PARTICIPANTS OF TRAINING AND EFFECTS: - use of English as well as basic Maltese/Greek phrases in everyday situations. Mastery of professional English. -self-improvement, acquisition of knowledge and experiences -espy latest changes in this branch -making youth more creative and enterprising -need to involve in various professional undertakings -need to be appreciated by employers and environment -considerable growth of the quality of tourist services in Cracow and the region -getting a good job on higher position or opening up a private business -developing of personality and ability to keep good interpersonal relations -overcoming stress -learning resourcefulness -acquisition of good manners during work and in private contacts -encouraging others to learn foreign languages DATES OF PLACEMENTS: 1st group April/May 2015 - Cyprus 2nd group September 2015 - Malta 3rd group April/May 2016 - Cyprus METHODOLOGY USED IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROJECT In the course of the project implementation will be applied to different methods of evaluation. Questionnaires will be filled out anonymously by the participants of internships. The questionnaires will be on the organizational support of school, quality of cultural and linguistic courses performed, care provided by mentors, the organization of leisure and travel. There will be also interviews conducted with Maltese/Cypriot tutors on trainees' work, the progress they made, what new they learnt. The cards of students' evaluation, prepared according to ECVET( enclosure no 4), will show the progress made. They will be filled by Polish tutors and their foreign partners. Tutors will monitor the work of the students, check the running of diaries, help to solve current problems. Monitoring of the school management of internships will include the scope and conditions of work, accommodation and respect of health, safety and sanitary regulations. This trip will also be an opportunity to acquaint with the managers of hotels, which will result in maintaining contacts with these partners for many years. There will begin evaluation of participants' skills and knowledge after returning to Poland. Professionals and teachers of English ( comparative tests) as well as Polish employers will check it. They will be asked for their opinion on value added. In interviews, they will share their observations on - whether they can see any changes for better such as creativity, resoluteness, bigger activity of trainees, better usage of English, computer programmes at the reception, better quality of guest services, high personal culture, improvement of vocational qualifications. Before departure the youth will prepare posters to promote Erasmus + projects, which will be placed at the reception during the internship. They will have IDs with their names and the name of the Programme. The cultural programme of the visit foresees a few trips, including cruise around the coast of Malta/Cyprus. Understanding the history, customs and culture of the local population will give young people a refinement. Participants of apprenticeships will get Europass-Mobility documents, certificates from employers and from the school, showing tasks performed and skills acquired. Trainees will prepare a multimedia presentation about their work on various posts and the way they spent their free time. Both teachers and participants taking part in the project will promote the idea of training organized within frameworks of Erasmus+ Programme. They will do it at school and outside, during conferences, in other schools, in Internet ( school website), media, etc. There will be interviews and meetings in Internet forum for those ones who would like to know something more on above mentioned placements and the Programme. Our foreign partners who are already well known by us, will conduct apprenticeships at a very high level. Contacts with employees of hotels abroad and the local youth will give other results, as well. Exchange of experiences and established bonds of friendship will make that they will be mature, tolerant, creative and enterprising. Our school collects data on the fate of their graduates. In longer period we will see careers they made, where they work, who went abroad, who opened up his own business and who decided to continue education at university or high school. Graduates will improve the quality of the country's tourism and hospitality services, which will increase the attractiveness of the region. For school good reputation will give them new students, new partners for cooperation and exchange of experience ( departures of staff for seminars and training). Teachers will raise their professional qualifications both within vocational subjects and foreign languages.
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