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Współczesne technologie narzędziem do edukacji międzykulturowej i zwiększenia świadomości obywatelskiej
Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

There are five international organizations involved in this project. There is a joint group which was created from the groups that have already worked together in the framework of international cooperation. Organizations participating in the project function in similar social environments and most of the members of the organizations are seniors. Therefore all the partners already have some experience in working with this age group. During the meetings the idea of a joint project was designed just for 50+ participants. Details of the project have been worked out at the first organizational meeting which took place before the scheduled start of the project in March 2015 when it established the division of tasks between the partners of the project . It was established that the main objective of the project is to provide knowledge about the traditions, customs and culture of the partners using modern technology, hence its title : "Modern technologies are the tools for intercultural education and raising public awareness ." Participants of the project are people who are often limited due to their age and in this particular case, because of the place of residence. It is therefore understandable to gualify this group as socially excluded. It is essential though to emphasize their potential, the desire to develop and gain new experiences. What is only important is the appropriate way to get to the group by giving them opportunities and creating the right conditions. It was therefore decided to use innovative methods and effective ways to give them the opportunity to intercultural education, while providing an opportunity to get familiar with modern technologies such as digital photography and Internet service. In addition, participants were offered the opportunity to learn English in order to make international contacts easier. During the project, students will participate in a computer course, learning how to browse the Internet, use instant messaging services, create a profile on a social network. The number of participants in the course is 100, which gives 20 people from each country. In contrast, a photography course will help them get familiar with various techniques and taking pictures with their digital processing. Number of participants - 100 participants, 20 from each country. The combination of these skills in these two areas will allow them to create a common profile on a social networking site, which will result not only in getting to know the multicultural background of the project participants by posting photos and information, but also in establishing and maintaining international contacts. What is more, a photographic exhibition that is planned to sum up the project, will effectively increase the participants' level of self-esteem. At the international project meetings, which will be held in different places/countries, in the form of thematic seminars and conferences, the participants will learn the customs and culture of the co-partners, focusing on cross-cultural similarities and differences. In each of the meetings there will be 4 participants from the visiting country, and approx. 30 people from the hosting country. During the meeting, the participants will also be able to demonstrate some experience and skills that they gained during the workshops organized in their own country. They will also have the opportunity to use the skills to create common products - two folders, puzzle-like photos, CDs and photo album, joint Facebook profile and a photographic exhibition that will finish the project. Seniors will also take part in the joint teaching game in order to check the skills they have acquired, as well as in the outdoor game or the photographic workshops, so that they will exchange experiences and skills. During the project the calendar of meeting, gadgets with the logo of the project (T-shirts and key rings) will be given out. Moreover, during the entire operation, an electronic chronicle of the project will be conducted. The reports about the progress of the project will be posted on a regular basis on the websites of all partners, as well as in the local media. Both, during the project and after, the results, the knowledge and experience gained by the participants will be disseminated via Internet and media among the members of the organization, the local population (of all ages), local governments, other non-governmental organizations and all people generally interested in the project.
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4 Partners Participants