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World Wide Wet
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

World Wide Wet project ,through a scientific ,climatic , geographical , socio-economic and historical investigation , aims to enhance young people’s knowledge and awareness about the environment and associated challenges. Its objective is to inform and educate students and teachers on some of today’s crucial environmental issues in front of which nobody can remain indifferent. “There is no life without water. It constitutes a valuable essential asset to all human activities , "That’s what is stated in the 1st principle of the European Water Charter. Unfortunately, water is a limited resource , it is decreasing because of global warming and excessive demand from a growing world population. This means to adopt , in the present, new lifestyles which also take into account the needs of future generations. The context in which this kind of project is born reflect the strong belief that this theme has to be faced by schools and related educational proposals , often designed in collaboration with organisations and institutions active in the environmental protection. All of us agree that the topic of sustainable development, in particular for water resources, cannot be addressed at a local level alone. By working with countries across Europe, we will generate a greater response to the issues raised. Everyone has something important to learn, everyone must take responsible decisions, the topic also involve the teacher and students on equal measure and its impact will be also on the entire schools ,and also on students’parents. Our project studies and analyses the environmental behaviours of European young people , also assessing the significance that nature and ,in particolar, water has for each individual . It is much more than a question of pure knowledge: it can be traced to an idividual and social identity, which not only represents a source of health , tradition and culture but also an integral part of a country’s economy, offering new job opportunities. So ,the project proposes an analysis and an exchange of information relating to all the environmental factors among the European schools involved, in order to foster an awareness of the importance of sustainable development .Through a scientific approach, a multimedial technology, e-learning, mobilities and the use of the communication English language, the partnership aims at reaching a common scientific ,cultural and human reflection on “what you should and shouldn't do,' nature as “decoration” or as a “vital space” for mankind– what does it all mean? Is it really important? The work is therefore based on a peer to peer scientific analysis of environment material exchanged in order to draw up a set of guidelines on a correct lifestyle and to propose some solutions to avoid pollution ,maintaining and protecting water resources . The “ rules of behaviour” and other materials will be available in the 6 European partners languages and it can be downloaded for free on the projects web site. The approach to be adopted will be learning by doing, cooperative learning,e-learning, social learning networks such as eTwinning,project work - a participative methodology, divided into 4 phases: 1) an orientation phase 2) a development and consolidation phase (planning and research ) 3) the “carrying-out” phase where pupils are given different tasks which are then shared out with each other 4) the “follow-up” phase where pupils evaluate their experiences together with their partners through “focus groups.” The project will involve , in particular, students who come from families with low social status in order to help and involve them who do not have the possibility to develop cultural interests largely as a result of their family background but they are willing to improve and enlarge their horizons.It caters for students from 1st -4th classes, depending on each school exigences and structure. One main aim is to help students shape their future and understand how to enter the job market too. Through collaborative work pupils will develop an awareness of and respect for the diversity of European cultures, and they acquired life skills and competencies necessary for personal development and active European citizenship. Project website - will be available after the project completion in its 6 European language versions living a real possibility to learn about our materials. The project on the Twinspace can still go on , including other partners who want develop together us and deepen our issues

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5 Partners Participants