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Workplacements For Trainees: Different Working Cultures Abroad
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

A. context/background and objectives of this project: This project has to be understood as a gradual extension of BBZ Norderstedt’s international activities. The basis of this is the strategy for internationalisation as presented in the application for the mobility charter. A1. The objectives for the trainees‘ two- to five-week work placements are – depending on the destination – apart from a progress in the foreign language skills an enhancement of the trainees’ horizons of experience concerning similarities and differences in the various professions and cultural peculiarities of the host country. Moreover, for quite a number of trainees this work placement abroad is their opportunity to gather experience in various situations without the immediate support from family and friends whenever needed. A2. The staff mobilities had two objectives: On the one hand they were meant to enhance the teachers’ professional horizon especially with regard to the vocational system of the host country. On the other hand they served the purpose of intensifying existing partnerships as well as the aim of looking for chances to broaden the basis of cooperation, e.g. extending it to other professions. Another aspect was the comparison of applied schemes in vocational education and project management. B. number and profile of participants: B1. Mobilities for trainees: 16 commercial assistants served their five-week work placement in Totnes/England, another one in Antalya (Turkey) [4 weeks] and still another one in St. Vith (Belgium) [4 weeks]. The companies were either small or medium-sized. Six future assistants to geriatric nurses served their three-week work placement in an old people’s home in Wolfsberg (Austria). A total of three trainees from various professions (retailers [2], warehouse worker [1]) served a two-week work placement in St. Vith (Belgium). Last but not least another warehouse worker served a three-week work placement in Odense (Denmark). One week was spent on obtaining the international driver's licence for forklift trucks. B2. staff mobilities: Due to a teacher having fallen ill shortly before departing for a staff mobility, only two real staff mobilities could be carried out. A third in the end turned out to be rather the accompanying version than a true staff mobility (accompanying the trainees group to Totnes (England)). One staff mobility was carried out in St. Vith (Belgium), another one in Wolfsberg (Austria). The staff mobility to St. Vith was carried out by the manager in charge of European projects at the BBZ Norderstedt. The fourth staff mobility was turned into a four-week work placement to St. Vith for one of the commercial assistants. C. outcome of the mobiities: C1. mobilities for trainees: According to the feedback of the participating trainees their mobilities have led to an enhancement of their intercultural competences and their tolerance for national peculiarities. Many participants also confirmed an increase of self confidence in dealing with unknown situations. Almost every trainee regards these mobilities as an enrichment for their personal development which they would recommend to every trainee. C2. staff mobilities: The intended aims have been achieved in both cases – a broadening of the professional horizon on the one hand; on the other hand an efficient exchange with regard to organisational aspects as well as the enhancement of the already existing cooperation. C3. general effects: Apart from the personal benefit for each participant these successfully carried out mobilities add to the BBZ Norderstedt’s reputation as a modern and cosmopolitan centre of vocational education. Even though the number of staff mobilities in this project is comparatively small, it is the founding stone for a heightened acceptance for this kind of projects in the teaching staff. That is why the number of staff mobilties has more than doubled in the 2016 call and covers a variety of professions taught at the BBZ Norderstedt. Last but not least the staff mobilities have their share when it comes to add to the quality of existing cooperations – in means of enhancing and intensifying them.

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