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Work placement in abroad 3
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Today for employee good personal qualities and a willingness to adapt to new circumstances, to make the right conclusions and to be cooperative are becoming increasingly important. Through the project it is possible to affect positively the ability to develop and adapt, to understand cultural differences and deepen the interest in professional development. During two academic years (2014/2015 and 2015/2016) the project carried out 4 -week work placements for II and III year students on following areas: 5 car mechanics, 8 chefs, 4 confectioners, 9 accommodation service, 8 ICT, 2 textile work, 2 small craft builders, 11 business administration, 2 recreation management and 3 rural tourism speciality students in 9 different schools and their practical training partner-enterprises. Totally there was organized 54 students mobilities from 11 specialties. Half of them were testing new ECVET modules. 11 vocational teachers carried out 1-2 week work placement in enterprise or participated in a job shadowing. The purpose of the mobility of teaching staff is their participation in additional training. This is part of the annual teachers’ training program, which is planned as result of self-evaluation and development chat of teacher and development plan of school. Kuressaare RTC has established the vocational training scheme which includes also two-week training in company. The goal of work placement in foreign country is the acquisition of new professional skills, improving language skills and gaining working experience in a foreign country. Job shadowing helps attendees find solutions to employment-related bottlenecks and to get new ideas for everyday work. The Development Plan of KRTC states that for ensuring the high-quality teaching and education the international elements are added to the training ( internship abroad , teacher traineeship, etc ) . The goal is that at least 4 % of the students have the opportunity to perform their internships abroad. The project's overall objective was to give students from various specialties the opportunity to perform the work placement in highly-rated schools and their partner companies. The result of work placement is the acquisition of new skills and knowledge and professional skills in unfamiliar cultural and linguistic environment, but also the experience of the present-day mentoring in enterprises. Positive feedback from such experience will bring more young people to vocational training institutions and improve their career prospects later. The accompanying aim was to introduce the ECVET credit points system through the work placements. KRTC has participated in the 2009-2012 in INTERREG IVa HETA - ECVET project, which developed in collaboration with the project partners (Omnia and Varia school) 7 ECVET modules of different specialties, which were successfully tested in the previous study year . This year, the work is continuing in Leonardo TOI project STEVTA ( the creation and elaboration of common training modules), in cooperation with the Finnish , French and German partners. The project uses the additional documents as the Memorandum of Understanding and Learning Agreement. The project objective was to obtain assurance that the developed learning modules and assessment criteria are actually working and thus ensure the more transparent and better quality of recognition of work placements, organization and network of partner schools. and I think that in big plan we were successful. Of course we still need to make small corrections and changes. The project is considered successful as the participants (both teachers and students) have acquired the necessary work attitudes, improved their foreign language skills, and coped with the environment and thus achieved a sufficient self-confidence to start after the graduation of their independent professional career. Vocational teachers gained by work shadowing or work placement vocational experience, they learned innovative techniques and methods to carry out better teaching and develop curricula. The project will result in effective mutual recognition of the ECVET system for selected modules (5) and the national context (Finland , Germany , France) . Through the program the participants : • acquired new professional knowledge and practical skills; • ensured the high quality and competitive education that will help realize their abilities and personality assumptions – be successful in working life, society and the world; • got a broad range of international experience, which is especially needed to cope with the cultural environment; • increased the level of cooperation through the development of personality traits, creativity, openness, communication skills, decision making ability, the courage to take risks , etc.; • contributed to the development of training (curricula and process); • impacting on employment in the region (there will be more competitive graduates) .
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