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Work Hard Dream BIG
Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

“Work hard Dream BIG” takes the sport as a step to develop all the capacities of everyone more away than each hability to practice sports. We want the sport would be a clue to develop our health, to understand and respect the eviroment, to sociality between ourselves, to promote the interculturality and to understand the sport more than a comercial trade.In this project take parte ten youngsters from Huarte, some of them come from handicaped situations, emigrants or familiar situations not so easy. In the latvian part, come ten youngsters, some of them who live or lived in the Social House Lejasstrazdi and other who use to be part of the Red Cruise of Latvian. Two team leaders of each group join to this project.This exchange will be a great opportunity to inforce the group and to develop good ideas in the field of the youth, to take them in the normal life of the activities in our village and to promote exchanges between us and other organizations in a future.We are going to practice sports for minorities (rugby) and other more known as soccer, but from other point of view like more funny and modern (booblefoot) or this sport practiced by handicapped people.We will practice traditional sports of each country and we will enjoy our natural enviroment to make sports in them like swimming or biclycle.Activities go around the sports with a participative methodology to work the sport as cooperation and respect to other people, with cooperative games, linking our cultures. A very special exchange based in all our interest as youngsters with close contact with the enviroment.In this experience we will show our most cultural face, from the traditional Baztandarren Biltzarra to know the most modern cultural with Donostia as main city of the European Capital of Culture.As result we want to reach that both groups share their ilusions and the goal is the social integration of the youngsters with an active participation in all the steps of this project, with the main impact in our villages, and we wish that the latvian group develop and be able to lead activities for youngsters in their village, and a personal level, the learning for each person who take part in this project.

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