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Work experience in Europe
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Stockholm Hotel and Catering School (SHR) offers a choice of two programs: Restaurant and Food Programme and the Hotel and Tourism program. Both programs have a decided international character and after completing their chosen program, students are prepared to work anywhere in the world. The attractiveness and interest in vocational education has decreased considerably while industry´s needs for compentet labour increases. The school's vision is a world class school offering an attractive vocational education, with a sustainable perspective, which prepares students for a national and European labour market corresponding with industry´s needs for competent and skilled labour.The school has been cooperating with various organizations and companies in other countries for many years and it is these groups that we are now applying for in order to continue and deepen our cooperation.The overall objectives of the project are to achieve the goals of lifelong learning, improved quality, and strengthen the transparency and transferability of competenses between countries throughout the European tools. Achieving these goals will contribute to increasing the awareness and status of vocational education. This in turn will ensure the development of long-term partnerships with our contacts and relationships in other countries.An improved apprenticeship abroad will enhance students' employability both in Sweden and the rest of the world. Developing professional and language skills as well as knowledge of their destination’s way of working, and food traditions increases the students’ respect and understanding for other cultures.Meeting teachers’ need for development and education is also accomplished through these exchanges and is part of lifelong learning which also increases the quality of teaching.The International group of SHR is responsible for implementing the project, maintaining contact with host organizations, administration, preparatory lessons, and evaluation afterwards.- 66 students will be conducting the APL, for 5-12 weeks, to Mallorca, Tenerife and Valladolid in Spain, London, England and Alkmaar/Hoorn in Holland.- Four teachers will be work shadowing for a week in Spain, Great Brittan and Netherlands. - Four teachers will be attending EfVETS Annual International Conference, two in autumn 2016 and two people autumn 2017 to take part in and learn of the developments in vocational training in Europe, as well as meet old and new partners.- Three experts/supervisors from our partners will be coming to SHR in order to teach both students and teachers for a week.The expected outcomes of the project are: the further improvement of the school’s developed routines, integration of internationalization as part of the regular work of the school and to education and spread knowledge of internationalization among students and staff. Earlier collaborations, experience and continued confidence in our partners guarantees the quality, and long-term nature of the project.VET attractiveness and status are increased.Students will have gained increased professional skills, a stronger position in the labour market both in Sweden and abroad and increased confidence when seeking work in another country. Mobility between countries is facilitated by implementing the European tools.Our teachers will gain a deeper international perspective on his profession, his education as well as cultural respect and understanding, which increases the quality of teaching.Through inviting experts/supervisors from our partner schools all of our school pupils as well as staff will have the opportunity to widen their international perspective.School development is done by systematically and continuously evaluating a school’s operations. Our school's international work is evaluated regularly by those who participate in mobility projects through the Mobility Tool. The school's internationalization group continuously evaluates its work and presents it, and in addition the international work is evaluated in the school's regular quality assurance checks.The school will be seeking accreditation this spring to establish our international strategy and ensure our continued work with our partners. This is to promote the future and the potential for further development and expansion of the School's international work.

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