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Work Experience for Retailers
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background:The City of Nuremberg is well-known for international trade fairs and very popular among tourists from all over the world. This fact leads to the need for retail staff being able to serve and advise international customers. In order to support these needs, the Vocational School 6 of the City of Nuremberg has developed the project “Work Experience for Retailers”- a 14-day workplacement for our trainees in the retail business in Eastbourne/UK in May 2017. The project aims at enhancing the intercultural awareness of our traninees as well as their intercultural communication skills to advise international customers in an open-minded and self-confident way.Target group: 21 trainees from the Nuremberg retail industry as well as the photo and media experts who have been employed successfully for one year and who are working in one the following sectors: food, drugs & cosmetics, DIY/gardening, fashion/textile, household goods, sports/leisure, petrol stations and specialty shops for photo and mediaDuration: 14 daysObjective:Some of the participants in the project might enhance their careers by working abroad inside Europe as well as overseas. In order to reach this objective our trainees are offered the possibility to improve their English language skills in terms of communicating in the working context and to enhance their intercultural awareness by serving English speaking customers, talking with colleagues in the British retail companies as well as by staying at a host family. Activities:During their work experience in Eastbourne the following activities have been planned for our trainees:­ doing sales talks with English speaking customers­ cooperating with English speaking supervisors/colleagues/suppliers­ enhancing technical terms that describe typical processes in the retail industry­ dealing with a foreign currency at the checkout­ being aware of the British business etiquette and manners (e.g. being on time, behaving politely, greeting customers)­ comparing typical working processes between British and German retailers (e.g. product range and presentation, legal framework, working hours, apprenticeship)­ finding out about different British retailers and their distinctive features­ learning to adapt in different cultures in terms of business and private life­ exploring London’s business world and cultural life by joining an organized weekend trip ­ preparing a presentation about the retail companyMethodology/Evaluation: Provided by the Vocational School 6 in five workshops:1. Carrying out Erasmus+ (e.g. signing contracts, talking about financial terms)2. Language preparation (e.g. business correspondence, sales talk, small talk)3. Task-related preparation (e.g. discussing preparation pack, booking flights, handing out important addresses)4. Cultural preparation (e.g. importance of Great Britain, contacting host families, etiquette and manners of behaviour)5. Evaluation (e.g. giving feedback, filling in questionnaires, having discussions)By partner organization Twin Group:­ preparatory course before work experience in Eastbourne (e.g. informing about working hours and contact persons)­ evaluation (e.g. giving feedback during and after work experience, filling in questionnaires, having discussions)Validation:­ Europass Mobility­ Certificate of Attendance (Twin)- B6 Certificate of ParticipationResults/Outcomes:­ improved command of English in terms of speaking (e.g. sales talks), writing (e.g. business correspondence via email) and terminology (e.g. terms to describe business processes in the retail industry)­ enhanced intercultural awareness when serving foreign customers and by adapting to different cultures leading to a higher level of tolerance as well as cosmopolitanism­ increased self-confidence and self-esteem while talking to foreign customers due to higher awareness of different cultural backgrounds­ enhanced employability and improved career prospects on the regional, European or international labour market­ having/acquiring a European identity­ better understanding for the economy as well as for challenges in the retail business All intercultural competences gained by participating in the work experience project will be integrated into daily business. This may contribute to a better awareness for foreign customers while being advised by our trainees. Even the reputation of Nuremberg’s retail companies may be improved attracting an increased number of customers from all over the world while visiting a city well-known for its trade fairs and tourist attractions. Finally, it is not only the local retail industry that may benefit from internationally educated employees, it will also be the European market.

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