Search for European Projects

Work experience and cross-cultural learning on a practical training in a foreign European country
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Students of a three-year-course for management assistants with knowledge of foreign languages (KaufmännischeAssistentenFremdsprachen) are the target group of this project. A practical training of at least eight weeks is part of this course. It takes place in the second or third year and should be done in a foreign European country. The objectives of the project correspond to the job profile of the future management assistants. These objectives shall improve the students' chances of finding an appropriate job in Germany or in another European country. In this project the students are able to improve their job-related knowledge of foreign languages during their practical training in companies abroad (e.g. using English as lingua franca). They gain cross-cultural and social experiences, manners and personal maturity and will be prepared for mobility in the European single market. These experiences will be documented in a practical training report and in a presentation made in front of an audience at school. Both will be accounted for the students' performance records which are relevant for their school-leaving- certificates. This project is meant for a group of 28 students who are in their second or third year of this three-year-course. They will be prepared thoroughly in an intercultural competence training. At the work-placement abroad they will be the only trainees from Germany in their company. Advisors in the companies will coach them and introduce them to the structure of the company, its activities and the work in the various departments. In the course of time the trainees will be able to take over more and more tasks in the field of communication and services. The practical training will take place in the following countries: Belgium, Estonia, Great Britain, Netherlands and Spain in the following periods: 1.)June – September 2025 2.)March- April 2016 3.)July – September 2016 4.)April 2016 Results Short practical training reports will be published on the school's homepage. The students will present and discuss them with their fellow students in class. The participants of the project prepare a talk they will make in front of an audience of students, teachers and invited guests. In cooperation with the external communications committee of the school the results of this project will be published. They will be presented on school and city events in Wuppertal. The practical training reports will be sent to the companies offering the work-placements. The school partners abroad also see to it that the information about the projects will be published in the local media. The long-term effect: The project shall be established as an essentialpart the vocational training.

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