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Work Based Learning (WBL) as an Integrated Curriculum: Partnership Development and Delivery by H.E. and the Labour Market
Start date: Oct 1, 2011,

Member states, to a greater or lesser extent, have been experimenting for some time with the development of flexible learning pathways including models of Work Based Learning (WBL), accredited prior learning and accredited experiential learning. It has recently become an important theme in the development of approaches to ensure that HE provides work/practice relevant learning. It figures strongly in discussion of employability, work relevant skills, 'graduateness' and lifelong learning (LLL). Many models have emerged, with varying degrees of success. Outside those areas governed by strong professional bodies - where practitioners play a central role - the curriculum is largely determined by academic staff. Practice experience, where it exists, is taken to have general experiential value, is often not assessed/accredited against formal qualification requirements, and does not involve the enterprise. This project focuses on the fully integrated approach to work relevant curriculum development. Fundamental to this project is the exchange and interchange of experiences and approaches that have evolved in this area; to work in partnership with a range of stakeholders so that we might distil and synthesise into a set of guiding principles, frameworks and/or models that can be transferred to a range of contexts and inform effective integration of WBL into the curriculum; and thereby facilitating greater cooperation between HEI's and enterprises, making education more open and relevant to the needs of the labour market as well as the individual student or 'practitioner'. Typically such programmes have been the domain of large multinationals and environments governed by professional bodies. We aim to present our findings in such a way so as to articulate the dynamics and essential success factors making them available as reference material, in a range of formats, to a wide audience including small and medium sized enterprises.
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  • Education and training\Life long learning (2007-2013)\ERASMUS\Cooperation between Universities and Enterprises
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

7 Partners Participants