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Work and Learn - increasing knowledge and gaining experiences through European mobility
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Previous experiences of student mobilities have shown the tremendous impact it has on the students with special needs. Students feel sense of empowerment when they manage abroad; they can use foreign language and they are understood, they learn to manage money. They learn the basic every day skills of life. Their self-esteem increases as the students are able to manage abroad, although not alone, but away from their families. The main theme of the project is to increase students’ not only professional skills and competence but also social and communication as well as life management skills. This is taken into account in every stage of the project. Project partners have been chosen for the mobility keeping in mind the acquisition of the key competences. Although most of the partners are colleges, many of them can provide on-the-job placements during the mobilities. This may be in the units provided by the college (for example Hotel, confectionery or deli shop) or the on-the-job placements (local metal companies) outside the college. The goal of the project is to involve as many vocational study fields, especially technical fields, to mobilities as possible and provide the mobility experiences to students with special needs. The target groups of the project are students in following fields: nursing, media and communications, painting, household and cleaning services, maintenance, catering, metalwork and machinery, dance, music, interior decorating and information and telecommunication technology. Previous student mobilities of Keskuspuisto have been carried out mainly in the catering department. The accompanying persons can provide support during the whole mobility period as the mobilities will be carried out as group mobilities. The support offered by the sending organization (Keskuspuisto college) is extremely important in order to carry out successful mobilities. All 56 students attending to the mobilities have special education needs (see attached the classification of students at KVC in annex 1). Since the students are not chosen yet, we do not know excatly their special needs. However, it is more than likely that the students have, for example, mental health problems; delayed development; disordersin language development; attention deficits; visual or hearing impairment or Asperger syndrome or autistic features or a combination of several disorders. Staff from the target groups' educational fields (11) are closely involved in the project: planning, implementing, participating and evaluating the mobilities. Mobilities will be carried out in following study fields: Social and Health care (Practical nurse), (on the job learning and college based practice) Audiovisual Design(NL, college based studies in animation techniques, ECVET pilot ), Surface Treatment Technology (Painter), (NL, college based studies in actual worksites, ECVET pilot) Household Services (Cleaning services),(HU, on the job learning in the hosting organization) Property Maintenance (HU, on the job learning in the hosting organization) Cookery (SE, CZ college based on the job learning in the school maintained facilities like hotel or confectionery workshop), Metalwork and Machinery (DK, on the job learning in companies) Dance, (UK, college based studies - a joint production with local students) Music, (UK, college based studies - a joint production with local students) Interior Decorating (LT, on the job learning in actual worksites) Information and Telecommunication Technology (PT, college based studies and on the job learning in companies) The project will be partly reciprocal as Lithuania, Portugal, The Netherlands, Czech Republic and Denmark have applied for reciprocal mobilities to Keskuspuisto. Mobilities have significant role both personally and professionally for the beneficiaries. Students learn independence, develop social and communicational skills, develop language skills and communication in foreign language and experience different cultures. Students improve professional competence when they learn new working methods, new policies and new tools. Students will see different ways of working and studying. Profession will open up in totally different way as the students see how the profession is being taught in other countries. This will improve the motivation of the students. Previous mobilities (DECORS) have shown that the students feel the sense of empowerment when they manage abroad. On the national, European and/or international levels we aim at sharing our knowledge on vocational special needs education. We emphasize the fact that the students involved in mobility and other international projects do not need to be the top students but all the students despite their special need are entitled to gain the experience. We encourage our partners locally, regionally, nationally and on European and/or international level to involve also students with special needs in the implementation of various projects

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