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"Wolontariat-pomóż innym, skorzystaj sam!"
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project ‘Voluntary service – helping the others is helping yourself’ was prepared by the ASF Association in Poland in cooperation with the sending organization from Ukraine – Akziją Spokuty Sarady Myru – and three hosting organizations: the Association of Polish Knights of Malta leading Maltese Centre for Children with Disabilities and Their Families, Grodzka Gate – NN Theatre and the Jewish Community in Warsaw. The project is going to take 17 months. The three volunteers are going to work simultaneously, from 02.09.2016 till 31.08.2017. The project implements an idea of deeply integrated societies within Europe, making their residents actively participate in the social life. The objective is to prevent the radicalization of young people, providing them with common European values, supporting the integration processes, intercultural understanding and strengthening the sense of belonging to the community they live in. Another aim of the project is to develop the youth’ social capital as well as to strengthen their position and ability to actively participate within the society. The project will focus on activities developing the non-formal learning methods, improving skills and competences, enhancing public activity and increasing the European dimension of work. The activities within the Jewish Community are going to promote the intercultural education through learning about the Jewish culture and interreligious as well as intergenerational dialogue. They are addressed to various age groups: children in the Jewish nursery school, people from The Centre for Voluntary Action and seniors – frequently in threat of social exclusion. The volunteer coming to Warsaw is a refugee from the Crimea who left to Lviv because of the dramatic situation in Simferopol – the city occupied by Russia. The activities undertaken in Lublin relate to historical and political circumstances and the communities living in the borderland of these two countries (eg. the project of cultural tourism of the borderline, guided tours in the Centre). The volunteer in working for this project is interested in journalism and history, especially in the context of the Polish-Ukrainian relations. Due to her origins (Kharkiv in Eastern Ukraine) she fits into the Centre’s policies pursued in order to expand cooperation to Eastern Ukraine.The volunteer working in the Maltese Centre comes from an economically underdeveloped area (alpine terrain, the Zakarpattia Oblast, Ukrainian-Hungarian-Romanian borderline). She is highly motivated, very patient and empathetic. The aim of this project is to help the disabled children. Her work, combined with the duties performed by the qualified employees, will be the link connecting professionalism and experience with innovation and stimulation to initiate new activities and exchange experience in the international context. Her tasks include: working in a nursery school with a group of autistic children, helping the therapists to run group sessions.The project is based on formal and non-formal education methods. The volunteers have an opportunity to run their own activities. In order to take care of the project’s quality, we use some innovative (interactive group methods, in-depth interview, formative assessment) and traditional (reports and seminars) methods of evaluation.The volunteers gain core competencies, valuable on the labour market and related to the professional profiles: pedagogy (child and elderly people care, work with the disabled), history, politics, sociology and culture (confirmed by Youthpass, Competency Passport, Europass-CV).The activities performed in order to share and use the results obtained were elaborated and tailored to the target groups. They will present the achievements, enable sharing the results with a broader group of recipients, change the image of the organization and increase prestige. The project aims to promote soft (mostly) and hard results through, i.e. newsletter, videos and animations, website, snapchat, twitter, reports, using the events carried out within the organizations engaged in the project, involving the program graduates as mentors. Including the results developed into the realities of the coordinating and partnership organizations will be a way to consolidate the outcomes of the project. The volunteers enrich the local community. The relations developed thorough the project are going to be maintained due to the cooperation between the coordinating organization and the Ukrainian partner. The outcomes of the project would be impossible to obtain through the unilateral action only. Volunteers acquire skills such as multilingualism, the ability to function in another community and international mobility. Long-term benefits include in the first place: deeper interest in the idea of a voluntary service as a form of building permanent personal and social ties which guarantee order and security within Europe and in its neighbourhood.

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