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Włoskie staże początkiem kariery zawodowej
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Contemporary labour market is becoming more and more demanding towards the future employees who, apart from the knowledge of the given field, should possess the accurate professional skills. The conscious student is thus expecting that vocational school will prepare him well to face the needs of the local and the European labour market. In order to fulfil this task, the school must adjust the contents of teaching to the situation and the needs of the market. The project " Italian internships as the beginning of a career " ideally coexists with the contemporary market requirements as it allows to develop crucial skills connected with the complex service of the hotel guest and to use the procedures valid in the hotel companies on the Italian territory. Each participant who will gain practical professional experience will enhance his opportunities for being employed not only in Poland but in other European countries. The realization of the project, apart from creating chances for mastering certain skills, will also allow to find their own place in the new professional environment and to learn its rules. Moreover, it will encourage them to learn the foreign language and it will broaden their horizons. At the same time, the project " Italian internships as the beginning of a career "' is the one which meets the needs of the region for the specialists in the fields of the hotel service as the target group of the project is the future hotel staff. - students of 2nd and 3rd classes of ZSETH in Lodz. The main aim of the project is the development of the professional education, which includes: - learning the functioning rules of the hotels of various types and categories situated in Italy, - learning the ability of the complex guest service according to the European standards, - learning and using the procedures of the proper conduct at various working posts, - mastering the working techniques valid in various sections of the organisational structure of the European accommodation site, - improving the ability of using professional vocabulary in English. -learning new technologies in catering and hotel services and applying them in practice The realization of the project " Italian internships as the beginning of a career " will create for the participants a greater opportunity to find employment as the above skills will help to: - make the future professional development easier and thus increase the attractiveness on the labour market, - adjust efficiently to the conditions on the labour market, - undertake the initiative in a brave way, organize and realize interesting tasks, solve the problems in a creative way and present themselves and the effects of their own work, - break the linguistic and cultural barriers and abolish the stereotypes concerning the lack of professional perspectives, - realize the importance of learning foreign languages, - show the ways of the professional development by e.g. working on increasing the feeling of self-esteem and belief in own capabilities and overcome the inner reluctance to move in order to find an interesting job - it will help create the mobile and enterprising attitudes among the participants, - enrich the specialized vocabulary and enable interpersonal contacts with the peers. The project " Italian internships as the beginning of a career " will include two groups of 20 students - students of 2nd and 3rd classes of ZSETH in Lodz. - each group will take part in a 2-week professional practice carried in hotels in Rimini with the help of the partner Sistema Turismo. Participants enrolled in the apprenticeship will undertake pedagogical cultural and vocational English language training as well as and the basics of the Italian language (75 hours in total). Teachers going with the students are going to systematically monitor the realisation of the internship objectives and the students’ development as well as secure students’ safety. They will also assess the behaviour and skills of the students and will work closely with leadership and the Italian Tutor. After the end of practice the project participants will receive Europass-Mobility certificate describing the qualifications and skills acquired during the foreign stay. The suggested terms of the realization of practice: I group - May 2015 Group II - October 2015
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