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Włoskie doświadczenia przekujemy w nasz profesjonalizm zawodowy
Start date: Dec 20, 2014, End date: Aug 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project provided four weeks of professional practice. The participants were students of second grade of Technical College in Kazimierza Wielka which is under Zak?ad Doskonalenia Zawodowego w Kielcach. These students are taught to be nutrition and catering technicians and constructions technicians. Eighteen students were involved in this project ? 6 of them were trained to be construction technicians and 12 students to be nutrition and catering technicians. The practice took place in Italy in two localizations ? Rimini and Riccione. These places have a great culinary traditions and their infrastructure is still changing and expanding. Before attending this project students had a language training and also they participated in cultural and pedagogical courses. The practices took place in professional companies from gastronomy and building industry. This project met with the needs of students who are interested in developing their skills and knowledge by taking part in varied trainings. The dynamic development of catering and construction in Poland causes increasing demand for highly qualified workers who also have an innovative ways to implement these services. This project was intended to help students to improve their professional competences which will be helpful in their further education and in their future position on the market. For students this project was an opportunity to improve theoretical knowledge which they will be able to use in practice. Also they were able to compare their knowledge with standards of Italian companies. During this project students had a contact with new culinary techniques from Italian cuisine, they learned practical aspects of procedures for quality assurance which are obligated in European Union Countries such as: Good Hygiene Practice (GHP), Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points (HACCP). The other participants (students) learned new techniques and technologies used by Italian companies and they saw how these companies are organized and how they are run on the European market. These internships developed the perception of economic, organizational and technical thinking in these fields. The students had an opportunity to improve their English and also they learnt the basic rules of Italian language which helped them to assimilate to new environment. In the future their mobility will depend on their knowledge about foreign languages and also on their proven professional experience - that is why students at the end of the project receiced an Europass Certificate. This Certificate is a proof of experience and knowledge gained by the students . (Students also received a Sistema Turismo Certificate). The internship under the Erasmus Plus Programme was an opportunity for students from poor and often unemployed families for alignment their chances for education. It helped to rise their position on the market. The programme and main aims of this project were elaborated with many employers from the labor market. The employers who took part in this project ensured that they did everything to help students (participants) gain experience and knowledge in various companies. This project was intended for partnership of education and employment, skills development in accordance with European Qualification Framework (EQF) and also it is intended to improve compatibility between different systems of education and training across Europe (according to ECVET). The project was concentrated on the integrated vocational education?s policy and training with local, regional and national economic development strategies. The project was intended to strength the international dimension of education and training, in particular through operation with institutions from other countries in the field of vocational education and training. This project also increased the attractiveness of vocational education and the role of Vocational Schools in the environment. Sistema Turismo provided an accommodation, alimentation, care and professional support. It also ensured a professional internship (consistent with the programme), cultural and linguistic courses and it ensured free time activities. The partner was cooperated with the sending organization in case of management and evaluation of the project. One of the aims of this project was to encourage students to open their own business which may succeed on the European labor market. The implementation for the educational field of internship was based on Sistema Turismo and local companies programme ? supported by professional teaching (coaching) staff. The project was carried out from 01.04.2015 to 28.04.2015.
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