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Wireing skills and competences
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project is tackling a highly relevant aspect of any Vocational education and training – practice and practical training/work. All vocational schools need to provide their students with adequate conditions and premises for implementation of the practical training segment of their educational activities and this is exactly what this project will provide. The students that will be included in this project will have the chance to be part of an international mobility and obtain much needed practical skills as well as experience in the area that they are studying. During their mobility abroad, considering that it is expected most of them to be minors, several support staff will be present with them while in Turkey and during their travel. The students, as the main target group of this projects, are coming from a school that does not lack behind in providing theoretical knowledge. Our school does however need to improve the process of matching this theoretical knowledge with practical training in an institution like the hosting partner. The work there is well organised, structured and implemented and so will their training be. The period that the pupils will spend abroad will boost the personal apart from their professional development. The main objective is that with the activities foreseen for implementation in this project we will enable the students to gain new knowledge from practical training in the area of their expertise. This main objective can be divided in the following sub-segments which are defining the idea for this project more clearly: - providing students with possibilities for international practical training; - providing students with possibilities for enhancement of their language skills via communication in foreign language and using professional terminology; - providing the possibility for the students to experience live in another country as well in a specific, international environment. - expanding the possibilities for future common activities between the partners form Macedonia and Turkey.

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