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Wij(k) in Verandering!
Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

‘A counselor against discrimination in Brussels’ , ‘intercultural cafes to break the silence’, ‘protocols against discrimination in disco’s’, or ‘Film festival about voices of the neighborhood’. Young people from Antwerp, Brussels, Amsterdam and Vlissingen speak about these kinds of projects when they talk about discrimination in their neighborhood. This project ‘ Wij(k) in Verandering’, (Change in the Neighborhood) supports the young people in disadvantaged neighborhood to realize their desired changes around discrimination. The reason behind this project is to boosting young people’s involvement in the democratic process at local, regional and European level. The young people experience democracy and improve their understanding of how democracy works, helping them to make the most of their right to participate in the decision-making structures of a democratic society.The project develops actions in the end to support a structured dialogue between decision-makers and young people.60 young people from different cities of the Netherlands (Amsterdam and Vlissingen) and Belgium (Antwerp and Brussels) with different geographical, cultural, economic and educational background advocate as change makers to make their project a reality in their neighborhood. In each city one team of 15 change makers will be encouraged step by step to make a difference in their neighborhood. As creative social entrepreneurs they develop a realistic plan of action to realize this change. To accomplish this plan they prepare themselves very well. They investigate problems in their neighborhood around discrimination, they organize meetings with key stakeholders like with the local policy makers, governs and politicians, teachers, youth leaders and peers. They understand that they need to involve different people with various opinions. They find out where their supporters are, and where they can expect resistance. They film the voices from various people from thir neighborhood like young and elderly people, shopkeepers, and owners of disco’s, teachers, police, counselors and politicians. They bring these voices back on a big white screen in their youth center to debate about it. These meetings and discussions help them to choose a specific topic and to find a concrete and realistic scope of their project and plan of action. As active advocates for change they use these researches, discussions, debates and (social) media to mobilize stakeholders in and outside the neighborhood. They need this societal and political support to realise their projcets in order to make a differenc in their neighborhood. So these young change makers transform into creative, active and open role models, even social entrepreneurs, in their neighborhood during the seven months of their project 'Wij(k) in Verandering'. They use various modern techniques to build connections, to generate energy and support for instance like (pop up) activities and debates, flash mobs, film, journalistic reports, poster campaigns, social media.The 60 selected young change makers are supported by an intensive learning trajectory with 'skills labs’. Via these ‘skills labs’ they build competences in public debating, networking, advocacy and campaigning, in action oriented filming, or in other identified needs by the youth to be supported in their projects. In addition they get regular guideance of their group’s leader. On their road to change they celebrate successes and joy, but they also will find difficulties and barriers. Like every politician, social entrepreneur or change maker, they need to deal with disappointments, with diversity and with different interest in the group, in the neighborhood and in the political arena. For these reasons groups leaders give them intensive guidance to help them to be firm and to grow in their personalities as young leaders of change. They don’t stand alone as local teams, but they are part of a wider ‘community of change’ which is formed by the other local teams of young change makers, supporters in the neighborhood, experts and local and national authorities. The project ‘Wij(k) in Verandering’ offers the opportunity to exchange progress and to learn from the other teams and their supporters. Three exchanges will be organized for the 60 young people from Belgium and the Netherlands. These peer to peer exchanges have been proven as very inspiring and relevant for further capacity building, motivation and self-esteem of the participants. For seven months they cooperate together to achieve their desired change. They are encouraged to sustain their motivation. It is also for this reason that we offer them skills labs, exciting exchanges in Amsterdam, Brussels and Vlissingen, a visit to the European Parliament, and media attention. Participants who have finalized the project receive a certificate which acknowledges their competences, their talents and their transformation into creative, social entrepreneurs who are able to make a difference and to stand for their ideas and dreams.All teams will film their process in the neighborhood and during the final exchange in Vlissingen the four teams will show their results via films, speeches, debates and in other creative ways. The audience consists out of people who have been part of their ‘political arena’ like local and national politicians and policy makers, some staff from the European Community supporters, and friends and family from the neighborhood. As organizers we are motivated to invest in this project because we believe that this concept introduces young people, step by step, in democratic processes. It helps them to understand that they, as active citizens in Europe, are able to influence changes in their neighborhood, city, and country or even in the EU. At the other hand, the project helps policy makers, politicians and other key stakeholders to understand young people’s views and opinions and to be more open for participation of young people in systems, policies and practices. We believe that this is important as well because it contributes to the realization of the UN Convention for the Rights of the Child, article 12, 'children and young people have the right to be heard'.

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