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Wien Work und bbw Südhessen - eine bewährte Zusammenarbeit wird fortgesetzt
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Mobility Project for young people with disabilitys in apprenticeships The bbw Südhessen, situated in Karben was founded 1983 as a Vocational Rehabilitation center for young people with disablitys. Meanwhile the organization changed to a modern company providing services for these young people during the transition process from school to apprenticeship, during their apprenticeship and on their way to finally enter the first labour market. Therefore our main target groups are young people with - learning disabilitys - psychological disabilitys - autism-spectum-disorder and - attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder. About 220 professionals accompany currently approxiamately 360 students qualified in 32 professions, which are permanently monitored to offer a good perspective to enter the labour market. We offer a practically relevant training supplemented with short internships as well as intensive longterm internships at local employers (up to 12 month during a socalled "interlocked apprenticeship"). Project themes and targets: The EU Fund Erasmus + offers young students the opportunity, to gain working experience in other european countrys. International competences are highly recommend in our international working system. To qualifiy yourself, it becomes more and more important to be involved in aciticitys even outside your main training company. But this is not simply done, particulary for young people with disabilitys and disadvantages. Our trainee exchange with Wien Work benefits our students in gaining international mobility experience and increases their opportunitys in the european context. Due to the extensive cooperation with our partner organization Wien Work (VETPRO in 2010) as well as the positive effects recgnized at our students who took part in the first mobility project 2010 (strong improvement of self-esteem, gaining of funcional competences, empowerment of mobility) we´d like to make this opportunity a stable offer for your students to gain this experience. Project themes are educiational contents (complementing our learning opportunitys): manufacturing regional products, experiencing batch production from the point of planning to production and delivery). Morethanthat we aim at effecting the personal competences of our trainees. The foregone show a high increasing of self-esteem, which is very important for our main target group who feels in general handicapped in competition with other trainees. We are planning 14 mobilitys involving studens with the professions catering, woodworks, painters as well as textile cleaning, currently in their 2nd or 3rd year of vocational training. In these professions Wien Work is equipped with professional training approaches complementing our opportunitys. They will be guided through the whole project with professional assistance. Regarding to the high importance of mobility in the working process, these project rises the urgently needed participation of young people with disabilitys in the european society and workplace. The mobilitys aims to show our clients opportunitys to develop their personality and support their integration. All participants receive a certificate of attendance as well as an evaluation from our partner Wien Work, showing the duration of mobility and information of their shown performance. Beside this, they receive a Europass Mobility Certificte , which describes the project they´ve taken part in. These certificates should be used for their further application in order to show a pretty good additional and international qualification.
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