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Wielokulturowość w obliczu zachowania tożsamości - projekty edukacyjne młodzieży
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Requirements for high school students, which are currently changing very dynamically and constantly changing situation in Europe concerning migrants, became a challenge for us to create the project. European countries need citizens involved in social and political life not only to enable the development of basic democratic values, but also to increase social cohesion in the face of increasing social and cultural diversity. Teenagers need knowledge that will prepare them to develop awareness of multiculturalism in the face of changes occurring in the contemporary world, which will help young people in the development of life skills in a multicultural society, assimilation and overcoming the barriers of prejudice in choosing their educational or professional path.Students in Poland, Slovakia and the UK have insufficient information about multiculturalism and transculturalism. They do not have access to the knowledge of multidisciplinary solutions of problems and information - guidance on critical thinking and interpretation of various social phenomena. Teachers and teaching staff are searching for modern and interesting teaching resources for young people from this area.Looking at the facts the Leader of the project has diagnosed a key problem - the lack of modern tools adapted to the changing situation today in a multicultural Europe - together with Partners they have analyzed this issue in the partners’ countries, and defined the lack of a comprehensive solution to this problem.This confirms the diagnosis in the European Council 2016 report for migrants: shows that there is a lack of comprehensive solutions concerning making aware youth about life in multicultural society. A social and civic competences are an important element of European cooperation in the field of education. They are a part of the eight key competences of citizens living in a knowledge-based society, which in 2006 was described by the European Council and the European Parliament.The main target of the strategic partnership is to develop a universal multilingual tools and materials, which directly contribute to increasing the level of awareness of school children in the area of multiculturalism and national identity.All of the tools will be generally on a common, dedicated to youth website.Selected areas are part of the principles of respect for human rights in European Community law, ie. The respect of multiculturalism and the protection of people belonging to national and ethnic minorities. Supporting multiculturalism is the value adopted in the legal systems of modern democracy, and also meet the provisions: art. 22 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union "The Union shall respect cultural, religious and linguistic diversity."The innovative project "Multiculturalism in the face of cultural identity - youth educational projects" involves gathering in one place:- Package of educational tools targeted at schoolchildren, which will apply to the parallel target groups (teachers, educators, students, parents) consisting of: digital content concerning multuculturalism, living at the crossroads of cultures in multicultural society.The project involves the development of universal results. The involvement of international partners will develop products that will be able to be used and will be used in the partner countries.Developed products will be useful for customers regardless of their place of residence, which at today's educational and professional mobility is of paramount importance.Implementation of the project will proceed in two stages:STAGE I: Developing innovative multimedia tools for the youth in the field of multiculturalism and identity.In the first stage will be developed innovative solutions in the field of modern methods of learning and cooperation of school youth on the fourth stage of education (according to the Polish classification) - at the age of 15-18 - years through the development of substantive and technological modern tools for school youth. For the production of materials will be involved experts and students in each of the countries of the Partnership.STAGE II: Validation developed educational materials and disseminatingDuring this stage developed tools will be tested in schools, modified after evaluation and validation. There are planned 3 dissemination events (conferences and seminars).The impact of the project will not end with the closure of its implementation. Developed innovative materials will be available after implementation of the project.
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