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Wielokierunkowy rozwój kadry nauczycielskiej inwestycją na przyszłość
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Multidirectional development of the teaching staff – an investment for the future" The project, entitled "Multidirectional development of the teaching staff – an investment for the future" was created after recognizing the needs of the Academic Complex of Comprehensive School No. 2 in Chorzow (internal and external evaluation), the strengths and weaknesses of the school in terms of the methods, content and teaching processes, as well as the organization of the school. Participation in the project will give the teachers the tools to better overcome the weaknesses and to optimize the strengths. One of the goals is to identify the needs of students and to adapt to new trends in teaching and pedagogy. Another objective is to establish international cooperation with schools with a similar profile (international exchanges of students and work on common projects) and the exchange of experience and good practice with foreign teachers, as well as the effective use of European educational platforms. 15 employees of the Academic Complex are going to participate in the project: the head mistress and teachers of different subjects working both in the Secondary School and in the Middle School. They are experienced educators, undertaking new challenges, constantly upgrading their skills and teaching standards. The activities undertaken by the teachers will focus on discovering and adopting new approaches, transferring them to our school and the exchange of good practice, raising the prestige of the school and strengthening of its positive image in the local environment. The participants will improve their language skills, learn innovative teaching methods and share their knowledge with other teachers, which is bound to make the educational process much more attractive as well as have a positive impact on the integration among the teachers of the Academic Complex and improve cooperation and communication within it. In order to achieve the desired results, teachers, preparing the project, worked in groups, consulted specialists, prepared banks of ideas, used the media and communication technologies. One of the key elements during the selection of courses was a variety of proposed methods (lectures, seminars, workshops, contact with cultural texts , educational trips, observation of lessons, interactive meetings). Thanks to the establishment of contacts with teachers from other countries and their schools, we will have the opportunity to learn and adapt new solutions to our school. The school will increase the chances of participation in international projects and fuller participation in the ongoing ones; The teachers participating in the courses will enrich the range of topics of lessons - including ones with the form teacher – with the European dimension; cooperation with foreign schools will be broadened. The course participants will enrich their intercultural awareness through contact with teachers from different European countries and become familiar with their education systems. Learning new project methods will encourage the teachers to make greater use of them in their work, as a result of this, the students will become more confident and creative. The use of new working methods will result in the reduction of burnout syndrome and enhance the motivation of the students. The management course will allow us to learn appropriate techniques to assess the usefulness and effectiveness of teaching, educational and care activities in relation to the objectives (more effective evaluation). This will facilitate the development of better ways of integration of the students with special needs with the environment. Participation in the course will be part of lifelong learning, will also contribute to strengthening the attitudes of tolerance, and at the same time allow to present our own culture and achievements of the school.
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