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Wiedza teoretyczna nie jest wszystkim - ucz się i pracuj na poziomie europejskim!
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project of Zespół Szkół Technicznych in Mielec was called „Theoretical knowledge is not everything – learn and work on the European level!”. It was addressed to the students from our school, who learn the subjects: feeding and gastronomic service. The project began on September 1, 2014 and ended on August 31, 2016. As part of it, a foreign internship for 20 students was organised in the German enterprises – hotels with restaurants. Participants went to Germany in two groups, each consisting of 10 people along with a German-speaking companion from our school – a teacher, in January 2015 and April 2015. This work practice was preceded by an intense preparation process for the departure. The students took part in the additional classes of German, as well as in a lecture “The culture of German-speaking countries”, workshops “Social competences” and specialized trainings concerning gastronomic service of seniors and children – special groups of the society. They also participated in the meeting connected with mental issues which was organized by our main German partner Siegmundsburger Haus Werraquelle GmbH. The primary aim of the project was the promotion of converting theoretical knowledge into practical one and learning the foreign languages in practice. The project contributed to the better adjustment of the vocational educational process to the needs of the job market. This kind of education of well prepared to vocational life employees contributed to the prevention of the high unemployment rate among young people. Therefore, the project corresponded with the priorities of Erasmus + programme. Taking into consideration the Europe 2020 strategy, it also contributed to the development of the gastronomic business in the region. The students became more mobile on the European job market and thus they will be able to take up a job in the whole of Europe (thanks to overcoming fear of other cultures) and certify their vocational qualifications thanks to The European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET), used in the project. The participants also received documents such as Europass Mobility, Language Passports and certificates concerning their trainings and participation in the work practice. The partnership group consisted of 6 institutions. They were: Zespół Szkół Technicznych in Mielec, Siegmundsburger Haus Werraquelle GmbH, Hotel Rennsteig, Waldhotel Rennsteighöhe, Hotel Linderhof and Toschis Station. Partners signed the Agreement about the Partnership and after the acceptance from FRSE they also signed the Agreement about the Practice Programme (also with participants). Students worked in their places of work for 160 hours (20 days) plus free days. They performed such activities like: in the kitchen: washing and chopping vegetables, preparing salads, preparing plates with cheese and cold meats, preparing buffet “smorgasbord”, preparing sauces and other additions, cooking soups, preparing new dishes and meals made from flour, preparing typical regional dishes from meat (roasting, cooking, stewing), decorating the plates along with the dishes and cleaning their place of work. They also gained new competences concerning the work in the restaurant/at the bar: laying the table, cleaning up the table, polishing the cutlery and glass, setting the serviettes, preparing rooms for the organised groups, serving the clients, taking orders, cleaning the place of work as well as decorating buffet/ “smorgasbord”. They were assessed by the counsellor from the German enterprise. After the foreign practice all the partners of the project took up necessary steps to popularise the results of the project.

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5 Partners Participants