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Wie war es damals? Oma, Opa erzählt mal.
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project called “How was it by then? Grandma, grandpa tell us.” is based on the so-called reminiscence therapy, which is founded on the assumption that recollection is very important not only for a person’s identity but also for his/her relationships with other people. The aim of reminiscence then is an increase in quality of life, of old people in particular. There are different types of reminiscence techniques, one of which is to enable a joint activity between two generations and thus strengthen and improve intergenerational communication. This technique is the basis of our entire project, whose main goal is to make elementary school children meet senior citizens and learn about life in old age. These encounters should help to establish deeper mutual relationships that would enrich both parties. While elderly people tell the children about their childhood and experiences and thus practise their memory and feel happier, the children learn from their stories how people lived fifty or more years ago, learn to treat the seniors slowly and patiently, learn to respect them and help them. In the project we plan a number of joint cognitive, creative and physical activities. The children will learn about the significance and importance of a full, healthy and active life, the course of which can be greatly affected by their attitude. That is why the project also focuses on a healthy lifestyle, intergenerational issues and the importance of communication. The participants of the project are elementary school children, their teachers, and senior citizens. Approximately 200 pupils from three European schools (from Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic) participate in the project. Planned activities are the following: 1. Reminiscence project with senior citizens 2. Making Christmas presents for senior citizens – creative workshop 3. Healthy lifestyle – healthy diet and old recipes – creative workshop 4. Carnival traditions, spring celebrations now and in the past 5. Healthy lifestyle – sport is important 6. Workshop “I'm old but happy.” 7. Our town – now and then – happening – Experience the town differently 8. Christmas now and then, cultural studies of EU countries – creative workshops 9. Making old toys – creative workshop 10. Photographic workshop "Say Cheese" - intergenerational photographs 11. Healthy lifestyle – sports and physical competitions with and for seniors 12. Final theatrical performance on the theme of “Generation Relationship” During the project, we plan to use the following methods: Storytelling, active listening, directed dialogue, activating methods, working with text, demonstration, giving instructions, skill-building methods, imitative methods, production methods, problem-solving methods, staging methods, educational games, methods of discovery, project-based learning, teaching through drama, e-learning, collaborative teaching. Collective, group and individual work will be included in the project. Objectives of the project: The learner learns about the life of elderly people, about their childhood and youth, can identify the pros and cons of the present and the past. He/She knows how to behave considerately to elderly people, respects their experience and wisdom, can offer help empathically. The learner can recognise a healthy lifestyle, realising its importance to the quality of life and the connection with active and contented old age. Another major goal of the project is the social level. We will strive to establish personal contacts between the children and the elderly, to involve the children personally and to direct them towards volunteer service. The aim is to improve the social and intergenerational relations with society-wide long-term impact.

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