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Widening the bridges on main road 89 between motorway 5 and Vartius
Start date: Jan 31, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2006 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Main road 89 from Paltamo to Vartius is an important part of the EUs and Finlands road connection from Finland to Russia. The road had nine narrow highway bridges, which were seen as needing improvements in order to promote industry and traffic flow and safety. The useful width of the bridges was approx. six metres at the narrowest point, which did not meet the requirements set for the roads. Widening the bridges was the first phase in the improvement and widening project of the road. Widening the bridges was seen as improving the prerequisites for heavy transport traffic across the border between Finland and Russia in particular, as well as having an obvious effect on traffic safety. 50 percent of the project funding was received from the European Regional Development fund and 50 percent from the Finnish Road Administration. Achievements: The bridges and bridge embankments on main road 89 were widened to nine/seven metres diameter, making the usable width of the bridge nine-and-a-half metres, thus fulfilling the requirements set for national roads. The bridge embankments were widened and the embankment railings were renewed where necessary. Once the plans were completed in more detail and the bidding process was complete, the projects actual funding need proved to be greater than the available funding; therefore, only five of the planned bridges were widened. As a result, a separate Widening the bridges on main road 89 between motorway–5 and Vartius, phase II project application was submitted and funding consequently received.
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  • 95%   1 140 000,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Euregio - Karelia  (FI-RU)
  • Project on KEEP Platform