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Wide Minds - the human face of digital learning

Despite proven benefits of ICT in raising standards, developing key competences andautonomous learning, many teachers in Europe are not yet exploiting its creativepotential. Lack of confidence, support, time and relevance are reported as barriers tomaking progress. Young learners meanwhile suffer none of these barriers, and are atbest forging ahead, networking with their friends, surfing the net, albeit oblivious to thepossible dangers, but at worst becoming isolated in a virtual world. They find it difficultto connect this kind of activity and the ICT they learn at school, seen as a bolt-on activitywith little intrinsic purpose.As a network of educational professionals with many years experience of co-operationat European level, as well as considerable expertise in ICT, WiMi is well placed toaddress this dilemma. We bring our conviction of the benefits of engaging whole schoolcommunities in meaningful international projects promoting intercultural dialogue andunderstanding, and the learning of languages.WiMi will promote the human face of digital learning, developing Regional CoordinatingCentres in 13 countries (all partner countries apart from Germany) where teachers willsee the familiar faces of their peers and local advisors while they learn new ICT skills,thus providing the reassurance needed to foster positive attitudes.We will provide opportunities / motivation for learning with new faces: 3 conferencescombined with ICT training for teachers from all over Europe, focusing not on eLearningin isolation but in the exciting context of international projects promoting integration,language learning, and sustainability.Virtual and real meetings for both teachers and pupils with their European peers will befacilitated through these projects and a ground breaking video conference initiative.Combined with an expert-led action research pilot in supporting language acquisitionthrough multi-media learning and CLIL, WiMi will provide ample scope for purposeful,creative and enjoyable language learning.Our human face is also reflected in the use of open source software in our multilingualMoodle based website and collaborative platform to develop digital literacy within thenetwork and participating schools. Other products include an online magazine andtraining manuals, progress reports resulting from internal and external evaluation. Thesewill be disseminated via a fourth, final conference, and a DVD of good practice.Ultimately WiMi will have a direct impact on approximately 25,000 pupils, 1,000heads/teachers in its 14 partner countries and beyond. As its message influencesregional and national policies it will enhance the future of European education in everincreasing circles.
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